online gaming in South Africa

in #dota27 years ago

South Africa

I live in South Africa and I feel the need to share my story.

Like most country's, The online gaming world is increasing everyday and Social Networking is spreading through the world like a wild fire.

The one thing that is lacking in South Africa is the opportunity's for people to show their skill and what they can do in online gaming, I am going to take 2 very popular games played today by most people around the world.

Dota 2 and Leugue of Legends, let strip it down.

Dota 2
Dota 2 is a well known game in South Africa and well, valve has implemented South Africa Servers so that players can enjoy the game with a 10 - 60 ping the only downside is when it comes to bragging rights in order for me to have bragging rights I have to improve my MMR.... Well Valve has disable the Ranking for South Africa because the rest of the world is using it to abuse the MMR system. The way we South Africans build up and fight for MMR is by playing in other regions with a 210 - 280 ping most of the time while your enemies is playing a 15 - 30 ping...pretty nice LOL.

Leugue Of Legends
off the bat no South Africa servers, My personal opinion even if RITO did decide "Hey lets get our South Africa servers up and running" There will not be one single South African moving their LoL account over to the South African Region, if you have wondered where we South Africans do play Leugue of Legends ? We play Leugue of Legends on the EUW servers because that is where we get our best ping from. The first time I started playing LOL 215 ping was excellent and still is if you live in South Africa.

Both Dota 2 and Leugue of Legends will not see South African players because when we play tournaments against other country's we cant play with the same ping they are playing which makes it unfair games.

The Actual point I want to make is not to blame anyone but merely asking for support by creating Servers for SA players and giving SA players a chance to make it to the Grand Tournaments
I really believe that South Africa Players do have the Skill and Ability's to take on some of the top dogs.


and have a blessed day.

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