
România is just soo damn beautiful. Want to pay a visit there soon myself.
Love your first picture with the Z shape of the colors! Superb composition!

Let me know if you like this edit of mine! (total honesty is appriciated!) I removed some small imperfections on the upper right! (the horizon was not perfectly straight)

Also what a fun guy on the last image in the upper right haha


Hey, sorry for answering so late! You did an awesome job and I'm not exaggerating when I say I like your version better.
I left the funny looking guy there on purpose... Sometimes it's a game I do 😉

Oww I am so glad you did! Thanks! Haha and for the funny guy, I love him being there!


Very nice pictures, i like the frozen lake. Hope i can do simmilar photography in austria this year. Upvoted!

I'm sure they will turn out to be great!
I hope I will take some photos in Austria too :)))

Ananuaremere i follow u

Superbe pozele Ana si au asa un aer un pic apocaliptic (folosesc termenul in sens pozitiv), iar prima poza cea cu banca e de catalog!
Ai grija sa nu apara zombii!!! :)

Neah, in pădurile alea sunt numai vampiri dar fac localnicii niște langoși cu usturoi și îi țin departe.
Mulțumesc, mă bucur mult că îți plac!

Da pozele imi plac mult, prima fiind favorita si ma bucur ca esti safe.
Vezi ce inseamna pana la urma o comunitate unita sau niste bucatari inspirati! :))

apropo, mai posteaza si tu ceva :P

Sunt plecat cu munca din tara si cand sunt plecat imi este tare greu sa postez. Mai pun cate un coment din cand in cand...

Ah, cineva trebuie sa muncească :)

This place looks amazing....and cold! Love the deep green of the lake. Nice shots.

Hey, Matt! I'm glad you like it, it means so much to me...

Keep up the good work!

I'd like to sit down and take a look at the view.:D

Thanks to the great photography for you to share such beautiful photos among us

Great pictures!
First question I would ask myself if I would be there: How far can I get on the ice? :D

Until you get wet ...I suppose :))
Thank you!

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