una de las cosas mas valiosa al ser humano es su corazón y muchos lo atesoramos bajo llave procuramos esconderlo y así mantenerlo en lo secreto para evitar aquellos que procuren lastimar y causarle dolor.
Tras esta puerta esta el mio aunque la llave esta a la vista solo podrán alcanzarlo aquellos que sigan el camino.
One of the most valuable things to the human being is his heart and many treasure it under lock we try to hide it and thus keep it secret to avoid those who seek to hurt and cause pain.
behind this door is mine although the key is in view only those who follow the path can reach it.
Ur drawing is very nice but the colour saturation is not up to the mark.
I invested more than 4 hours to this doodle without knowing anything about painting that resembles something I think is great