Political Cartooning Trump. ♥️ two videos

Here are 2 videos I made and a short clip of me drawing Donald Trump for my next Political cartoon. I had to upload it on my personal YouTube account because my brand account for my cartoons has a strike on it.

I wanna Make another video for YouTube about how Patreon is censoring me. I definitely wanna fight back on this. Yes nobody is emailing me back. I can't change my adult content status. None of my cartoons are searchable. I don't understand what kind of art site Patreon is if they consider cartoons supporting our president pornography.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.politicalcartoonsdonaldtrump.com/2018/10/political-cartooning-trump-%e2%99%a5%ef%b8%8f-two-videos.html

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