Think I'm crazy? Think i don't make sense? Explain Why this works and I'll shut the fuck up.

in #donaldsmarshall6 years ago (edited)

I have not talked about Gematria much yet but its simple to do for anyone.

This is Simple Gematria

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10-K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q-=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

Doing Gematria means taking letters in any word, phrase or sentence, turning it to numbers and then adding them all up to get a final value E.g. The=33, Sam=33------ THE -,20+8=5 = 33..... SAM - 19+1+5 = 33..

Make sense?

Our brains are more powerful than we know, they don't just respond to words they respond to numbers too, mathematics make up reality and words help position these concepts for words if you think about it are like more specific numbers.

Anyway so combining numbers and words in a language system that secretly connects concepts up which are significant, are not only what the brain has done with our languages naturally, its also been replicated and formatted on top of our languages by people who have been in control for a very long time. Its like everything has been mathematically predicted.

So the new Mary Poppins came out recently, and they again use the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, did you think that That word was randomly made up? It isn't.

Because why would This be a thing? Observe.

All of these sentences, add up, to 379.


"Revealed The Truth About This World"=379
"Everything Moves By Numerology"=379
"Using A Binary Computer Code System"=379
"The Truth Of His Word Wins At The End"=379

"Unlocking Of The Trumpet Prophecy"=379
"Religion Is Sick Calcuate The Beast Gematria"=379
"The Bible Is A Creation Of The Elders Of Zion"=379
"Already Known Gematria Purified Gematria"=379
"Gobekli Tepe Deciphered Ancient Alien Star Map"=379
"Opening Pandoras Box Arc Of The Covenant"=379
"The Answers To All Questions In Pi"=379

"Different Alien Spirits Oversee Earth"=379
"doppelgnger doubles from alien abduction"=379
"Mystery Of Babylon Is Everywhere"=379
"It Is The End Of The World As We Know It"=379
"Evil Pleiadians Live In The Hollow Earth"=379
"Love Does Not Support Parasites"=379
"The Lord Of Hosts Possesses Minds"=379
"I Need No Forgiveness From Satanists"=379
"Think Theyre Safe Hiding Behind A Computer"=379

"What The Right Gematria Correlation Is"=379
"The Undeniable Proof Of Gematrias Accuracy"=379

"Who Cares Im Just One Guy Anyways"=379
"The Golden Star Of Gematria Favourites"=379
"Check Out Donald Marshall For The Truth"=379
"The Divine Right Of Sovereign Souls"=379
"He Suffered For Years From Satanic Attack"=379

Honestly, they all add up to 379, try it yourself, i promise you its all correct. each one of these sentences happen to add up to the same value.

Try come up with a sentence on your own, try come up with two or three, try make them add up easily.
Do you know how difficultly complex setting something like this up would be?
I mean do you REALLY understand?
The precision of it is so perfect its nearly incalculable.

Wanna know how I know this? I use a site called Gematrix.Org it has all kinds of results for things you look up.

But guess how I knew what to look up and what to look for...Donald. Fucking. Marshall.

You know how people say "Keywords"? Well it turns out words Are actually keys that unlock doors to other words, you just need to have the KEYwords.

Donald Marshall gave us the Keywords, Vril, REM Cloning, Parasites, Chipheads, consciousness transfer, Ra, All these things and Due To That Fact I have now discovered a whole bunch of strange cosmic connections between the very words we use that point back to not just what Donald says but to Donald himself, and myself, and people, it turns out that if you go look into it, you will find things that connect to your name which demonstrate your feelings AT THAT PRESENT MOMENT, gematria is really weird.

But it IS correct.. It IS CORRECT... you just need to know how to read it, and the keywords from Don.

Because as I say in the title. If all what he says is crazy, then why have sentences and words since they were invented always connected up in this fashion?

This is the tip of the iceberg. I have literal gigabytes worth of gematria pages saved which i discovered had really strange connections to exactly what donald had been saying and yet Donald himself doesn't even look into or do gematria and says that its too vague to use as evidence, This is Me saying its evidence, because I know through spending years on this Site that its full of stuff that hints to don yet is muddied because the site itself is run by people who's purpose is seemingly to throw people off looking into this kind of information and quite easily to random people who don't know don it would seem exactly like that, which Is the point.

But I Know Don, i've seen him, i've spoken to him for years, I know what he says, the words that he's used.

Its all there all already connected long ago by ancient number language systems that have existed nearly as long as we have.

Fancy that... All from looking up "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"... A film that existed decades before don ever did...

Link to the page where I got all this from below. The Third page down is Simple Gematria, the first two are different Gematria keys. I only took from the Simple one.

Anyway Enjoy the New Mary Poppins XD

Look up your own name in gematria, I promise you, you will see reflections of yourself, looking into gematria is like looking into a pool of reflection.


That's amazing @lozzmon!! A few years ago I and a friend of mine have spent a lot of time in these kind of studies. We have focalized on italian words using a similar approach. We used to calculate a number for vowels, another for the consonants and a third for their sum. I remember that we found tons of awesome coincidence, but so many that in the end, I start to think that our brain makes this job automatically. I mean that we unconsciously numerate the letters and maybe for some reason create these strange patters. But we must also say that this calculation doesn't work for any existence words. So I wonder if someone made up it on purpose, or it is a natural event or just a coicidence? What do you think about it?

is half and half, human mind creates connections with things we arent consciously aware of, but then also bad people who know about all this have created a system where the words we use have these extra meanings that normal people have no idea is there. For Example, "Star Wars" in simple gematria equals 119, which is the same value that "All Seeing Eye" adds to, yet people are almost religiously in love with Star Wars, things like that make it a big game of getting people to accept what is mathematically encoded there, but its too perfect to be entirely designed, or perhaps its so complex as to have only been designed by those with higher knowledge, either way, it exists and its incredibly prevalent.

Yeah I agree with you. I think there are some ancient words that were created by certain people in the past for a precise purpose, but it's letterally impossible that they have expected every amazing combination also with modern words, so I think that the brain takes part in this work.
Here is some expample of words created on purpose at least in italian (according to me)
Christ = Cristo        Truth = Verità     (In the bible: "Christ is Truth")
Man = Uomo      God = Dio   (In the bible: God said: "Let us make man in our image and likeness")
World = Mondo    Dream = Sogno    (There is the expression that the World is just a dream)
Land = Terra        Sky = Cielo   (The sky is at the top instead the land is at the bottom, so they are oppsites like the positions of their numbers)
Maybe you should dowload the images to see better :)

Gracias por el enlace amigo @lozzmon, ya veré si tiene el alcance que expresas en tus palabras…

Saludos @lozzmon, aun cambiando el valor de las letras sigue la misma línea de perspectiva por decirlo de alguna manera.


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