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RE: Illuminati Card Game Exposes Their Plans - Page 2

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

Astral Light (Oct 1, 2013 4:18:25 GMT -5)
Donald MarshallDon't worry too much,... I live in America now, East coast, The Illuminati do not want me to die, actually they want me to return to Canada so they can do something nasty here... So I'm staying... they're not going to kill me, they could off me whenever they wanted. But won't. Don't stress. DianeHelen Church Well, I try NOT to be stressed out about the fact that they want you dead, but just saying so, IS NOT Helpful! I am trying to get caught up, on all the newer information on your timeline Dennis Ondeyko
Michael Tate Me Either!!! For they FEAR My God, and they had BETTER!!! I Fear Him to, but KNOW He Loves Me and I Him so im GOOD!! <3 ;)NOW they MUST Turn over their Wicked Ways, or Else the Lord WILL Send His Plagues on Them as He DID in Egypt long ago... Donald Marshall they may set up a plague just to coincide with prophecy... they do that...Star Moncada Besides donny son has all of us on his side. Our prayers and best wishes go out for him at all times..,the maggot scums know the good out prevails over evil...they know their doom is eminent.Danielle Lynn Campbell You said it, Star!James Messilla Reagan I don't fear cause God has us in His hands of safety, plus they couldn't create a meteor shower. Only God could do that and He wouldn't until it is time.Living Corpse Meteor is drawn like a pyramid - thanks for moving here bro!April LovesKatz Hey Don how many cards r in the set?Karen Macdonald east coast is not safe for the pole shiftsKarin JM McBeth Google image the cards April


Astral Light (Oct 1, 2013 16:58:16 GMT -5)
Cara Mastrey
Donald Marshall swearsDonald Marshall said bad werd.Cara Mastrey "Zombie flu". Huh.Hippie Lovegods looking for some background on this card game >>>Illuminatus! won the Prometheus Hall of Fame award for science fiction in 1986, has many international editions, and found adaptation for the stage when Ken Campbell produced it as a ten-hour epic drama. It also appeared as a Steve Jackson role-playing card game called Illuminati and a trading-card game called Illuminati: New World Order. Eye N Apple Productions and Rip Off Press produced a comic book version of the trilogy.Robert Anton Wilson>

Astral Light (Oct 9, 2013 0:57:37 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall shared Ray Cayton's photo. Join us and share:
Don't post your links to marches, protests or any other things organized by the government to my page, send me messages or comments to support them or their pages. I am not down with the fake movements they are promoting in November. I am not going to march or protest because it will change nothing. The only way to change anything is to start marching down to the places the elite live, work and gather and line them up to be tried for treason. Obama just passed the law that if you march or protest anywhere where a secret service member is guarding someone it carries a 10 year prison sentence. DianeHelen Church Do not go to marches, IT is a trap. Heads up Obama just passed the law that if you march or protest anywhere where a secret service member is guarding someone it carries a 10 year prison sentence.Levi Jackson Wow! We the people cannot protest our own govanmentDonald MarshallLevi Jackson Much love, my sista.Kitufu Mutufu I see they are following the illuminati cards. I wonder which illuminati card is up next after the million man vet match.Donald Marshall ^^^ Emergency powersLevi Jackson These cats are on some other shit. Ok?DianeHelen Church The only way to change anything is to start marching down to the places the vril live, and line them up to be tried for treason.( not sure what happened, I posted this before and it disappeared. Did you delete my previous comment? Donald Marshall)Levi Jackson The brotha might have done so by accident. No hard's cool.DianeHelen Church Leon ? I do not understand your comments? are you ill?Kitufu Mutufu Don, what's after emergency powers and where can I find the illuminati cards on the web?Levi Jackson Naw, I aint ill. Are you ill, my sista?Kitufu Mutufu Cats = men, dudes. lol translation for those who don't know slang lol.Levi Jackson Preciate it, my man.Donald Marshall Will have to gas underground eventually plug up all the holes, including the ones at the bottoms of deep bases.Levi Jackson Word?Donald Marshall would be hard to send soldiers underground, vrill would cause cave ins and kill lots. Best to gas them or something.DianeHelen Church DianeHelen Church Donald Marshall Donald Marshall Too soon Leon,... too soon... Donald Marshall I didn't see nothin...DianeHelen Church Leon is gone. Cyber shot for weirdness and very poor communication skills, and possibly a shill. Donald Marshall and accused me of being a racist in the inbox for not answering his questions promptly Kitufu Mutufu lolDianeHelen Church Let that stand as a warning to all shills. Donald's justice is swift and sure. Leave before you get cyber shot and removed!Kitufu Mutufu If you don't answer a question I just ask again because I figured you are getting a lot of questions from your supporters because we'd like to be informed on what's going on.Kitufu Mutufu Don, what's after emergency powers and where can I find the illuminati cards on the web? I want to be in the know, even if sometimes I won't be able to decipher the illuminati cards lmfao. But that's when I'll ask you.Donald MarshallDonald Marshall Google images, (Illuminati card game)See TranslationKitufu Mutufu ok. I will do that. Some things I wish I didn't know. But its better to know than not to know. Hence me googling illuminati card game.DianeHelen Church Answering the same question 20 times a week, can be draining and monotonous. If is one of the downsides of being a whistleblower. hum, come to think of it, the only upside to being a whistleblower is the knowledge that he is dong the right thing and making a difference!Eric Pete Dang, dont mess with Ms. Hellenchurch!!!...she has a tommy gun, with the power to cyber-kill weirdos on Dons posts, links, or what have you!!!!Tim Locke Have Pitchfork, Will Travel!DianeHelen Church ok, Levi Jackson WHO ARE YOU? You are performing MAGIC. Leon Williamson got booted by Donald and his comments are still showing in this thread. BUT now, they have your name. Donald Marshall !!!!DianeHelen Church Levi JacksonDonald Marshall wasnt that Leon Jackson a minute ago?Donald Marshall Oh,... he just changed his fb name.DianeHelen Church yes, all of Leon comments, now show the name Levi JacksonDianeHelen Church and he changed his race.Donald Marshall probably friend request me now DianeHelen Church magicDonald Marshall yep, thats a very slack shill...Donald Marshall hope they dont pay that guy.Tim Locke shit Don, If this place is real, and it is ran ANYTHING like the rest of the world right now, Hes atleast Mid Level Management. lmaoDianeHelen Church his past name, was Leon Williamson.DianeHelen Church well, not deleting his comments under his other shill name, was just plain dumb.

celine (Oct 23, 2013 8:06:55 GMT -5)
Donald MarshallIlluminati card game... these have a tendency of happening and this one has just reared it's ugly head... Only it's hit a little too close to home this time... as I have no beer...

Syro De-j drink spirits thenYesterday at 07:21 · LikeDonald Marshall outta dough. Yesterday at 07:22 · LikeDonald Marshall Donald Marshall's photo.

Donald Marshall Donald Marshall's photo.
Donald Marshall XD LOL! jus kiddin jus kiddin. Damjan Hajsek Bizarre Mind Control Caught on Camera?Does bizarre footage from the moments preceding her 'Freemason' rant on the Hous...See moreDonald Marshall scandal Marielle de Greslan Is this card really part of the game? I actually saw the game at a card game shop here in Australia,it was $60...Donald Marshall yep, actual card.Sean Gatchell Pretending to engineer a complete society must be a pretty delicate operation! You have to have juuuuuust enough beer to tide over the masses, lest they tear down the fucking country. No one said ruling would be easy though.David Francis I've got a box that I bought back around 94-95. I don't think I have that card because I'm pretty sure I'd remember that one. I do have two of the 'terrorist nuke' cards that depict the World Trade Center explosions though. Creepy.Celine O'carroll never mind vrills eating our kids..take away people's alcahol and there really will be all out war.Celine O'carroll better start home brewing so.Donald Marshall yeah people riot when there is no alcohol.Celine O'carroll some friends of mine started making their own wine at home...its really nice ..and doesnt give a hangover or out at only about 1 euro a bottle to make...uv just reminded me to look into it. Aparently its really easy to buy the kit online.

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