Donald Marshall and the Left Eye Club

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

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I came across a video that was meant as an inquiry as to why many world leaders, elites and celebrities frequently have black eyes. From the Pope to George Bush, Joe Biden, Robert Downey Jr., Prince Philip and numerous others there seems to be an epidemic of shiners going around. All have excuses, some better than others, but as I watched the video one explanation jumped out at me... Donald Marshall.

One explanation given by the maker of the video was some sort worm given off by reptilians or archons was wiggling its way brainward in an effort to possess, inhabit or otherwise control the host. The Eye of Horus was another possibility, a shapeshifting exercise connected to some Illuminati ritual. The videographer is incorrect in one assumption... it is NOT always the left eye. If you factor in the whole left brain/right brain paradigm it would necessarily depend on what type of person you were trying to control. The photo of David Bowie, for example, shows the right eye blackened; which would make sense being that Bowie is an artist- a creative person.

The video-maker also makes a distinction between celebrities and the Illuminati, however, Donald has said for years that celebrities are a big part of the Illuminati's coterie insofar as their rituals and sexual escapades are concerned. He does have the part about "eye boring" correct. Years ago Donald revealed that the curling line at the bottom of the Eye of Horus was a depiction of a Vril proboscis. In fact this guy gets far more wrong than right... for example, if Prince Philip is a reptilian as he asserts, why would a Vril, or any other entity need to enter through his eye? Wouldn't he already be "possessed"? The references to Horus are irrelevant, except in the sense that Donald brought up- it's a depiction of a proboscis, and not a part of any ritual. In fact in this depiction of the Eye of Horus (the one used in the video) there's a serpent coming out of the front that could eaasily be interpreted as a proboscis...

Nor is there any relevance or relationship to Odin or any other gods- Lucifer included. He is correct about one thing... he's just starting to scratch the surface and he has a lot more to learn. Not only is Donald's explanation more complete, it's more plausible as well. Donald talks about a proboscis that's connected to the spinal column of the Vril Type I that enters the eye socket and wraps itself around the optic nerve and goes on into the brain. This would certainly cause discoloration as described in the "Black Eye" video. Also it would make more sense to target elites who can benefit whoever the Type I's are working for... they're just workers. Once inside they can then control the host- "droning" is what Donald calls it. This video explains Donald's perspective and takes it a step further quoting the 8th Emerald Tablet.

 Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.
Unseen they walk among thee
in places where the rites have been said.
Again as time passes onward
shall they take the semblance of men. 

 Seek not the kingdom of shadows,
for evil will surely appear.
For only the master of brightness
shall conquer the shadow of fear. 

Are all of the black eyes a result of a "Vril invasion" of some sort... who knows. Perhaps there's some rational explanation, or perhaps Donald has uncovered a deep dark secret. On thing is certain, enough of these elites are suffering black eyes mostly at the same time, for it to be coincidence. It's difficult to imagine some occult ritual where everybody gets punched in the eye hard enough to blacken it- it doesn't make sense. Out of all of the explanations possible, I like Donald's the best.


There is a story about the reptilians that use a proboscis to bore into your brain- thru your eyeball & implant themselves into your host- human body. I like the connection of it to the jenny haniver (dried up stringray) and the SALVADOR DALI.

look closely- what is Salvador Dali holding up- a Jenny Haniver. What is in the background- a man in bed- with his entire head in bandages.


This can further be connected to the park in Norway with all the statues of REPTILIAN BEINGS wrapped around naked humans & trying to bore their way in.



For people that have followed Donald, he talks about the Vril from an historical perspective- that is the different references to trolls and other folklore creatures. I did a post awhile ago about the Legend of Siegfried and the Nibelungen. It's consistent with what Donald tells about living underground and trading gold and gems for people.

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