
celine (Mar 15, 2013 23:10:07 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall.... the Vrill come from deep underground, not outer space or another dimension... the have colonies deeper than any deep base and enter Deep underground military bases from tunnels underneath the places. They are strict carnivores, and they don't have the "capacity" for compassion... there are no nice ones... they fake it good though. Until your guard is down, then they drone you or kill you and eat you.Walter Smith ......How do you know when someone has been droned? Are any major political figures drones, Cheney, Kissinger, Bush(s)?Donald Marshall .....some are... unless you knew them well it would be hard to tell, they need about a months recovery time where they just sleep and eat and have a nurse 24/7 after that they do their best to mimic that persons behavior. Only sometimes it makes the one eye swell out from the droning process, not everytime.Donald Marshall............ Mri, CT scan can detect them, and they've said a blood test can detect them too. Told me years ago there...

celine (Mar 16, 2013 12:42:18 GMT -5)
Andy Kirk shared a link.Lizard Proboscis Another Type Reptilian Being?Drones are created when the lizard pumps his spinal bones and injects this into the victims eye, merging with the poor human, and now the lizard can mimic th...

celine (Mar 16, 2013 13:56:29 GMT -5)
Leesa M Van Peteghen shared a link.11 hours agoWhatcha think of this? The sulfur that emits from this lends more validity of what Donald Marshall has been repeating about underground vrills...BEST OF COMPILATION Sakurajima Volcano PORTAL-GATEWAY & UFOs (April 2011).flvOne of the best proof of alien inteligent form of existence and intervention, taken by surveillance camera at Sakurajima volcano in j

celine (Mar 16, 2013 15:55:05 GMT -5)
16/03/13Donald Marshall gun or sword kill em real quick, but the small ones are fast and the big ones are monstrously strong, small ones spit toxic spit mixed with corrosive stomach acid, and the big vrills have a hollow bone spike they can extend from the wrist to stab with and it injects a drug like substance that debilitates you. so you'll be immobile so they can parasite your brain with no struggling.Donald Marshall ........I know so much about the Vrill... appearance biology and psychology. Gotta kill all the Pokemons.Jasmin Begovic Donald, what "vrill" stands for - I always forget, need to write down... ...thanxRino Moskvil......... how far away does the bonespike reach and how far can they spit?Donald Marshall....... bonespike is like a foot long extends out different lengths for different ages of lizard, Unsure how far they spit, but pretty far and accurately,

comment pruned due to size

celine (Mar 17, 2013 10:33:00 GMT -5)
17/03/13Donald Marshall ........The Vrill lizards just showed Hitler and his Nazi's where an underground abandoned Atlantean base was in antarctica... they started back engineering the saucers and other tech... they werent psychic and werent given the plans by aliens from Aalseran... thats a buncha bs... The THULE society Thule (Toolie) is what Atlanteans called Atlantis. The Vrill society were mostly parasited hosts of Vrill and parasited many people.Jayne Riggs Jaccoma ..........totally fascinatingDonald Marshall..... interesting yep... but once you know the entirety it's horrifying.Jayne Riggs Jaccoma ..........well hell yes i am extremely horrified...Jayne Riggs Jaccoma ..........i guess this new knowledge overwhelms meJayne Riggs Jaccoma........ that is what i meantDonald Marshall .......Better to know than not to know though.Nick Bootneck Jordan............Nick Bootneck Jordan Nick Bootneck Jordan........ says it all really...115 views of this and over 1.3 billion of fucking gangman style or whatever the fuck it's called..Donald Marshall........... lmao I know..

celine (Mar 17, 2013 17:01:58 GMT -5)
17/03/13Q).........Jayne Riggs Jaccoma one question...if the vrill are so evil....why do the elites have them as pets.....wouldnt one of the vrill....get mad and spurt the poison in their eyeJayne Riggs Jaccoma...... guess what I mean is....why have them around...the vrill..that allA).......Donald Marshall...... many reasons... the elite really like to molest children.... parasited hosts do too...SO they use them to scare people into compliance, and some religious leaders protect them saying they are the children of yahweh or some other god children of set or lucifer... they keep them to inspire fear. Also to use them to replace people,... old fat uglies have beautiful women parasited then marry the lizard thing...Donald Marshal..l many reasons.Jayne Riggs Jaccoma......... if you got the money honey....i got the time....hahahahhahahahahaaaaaJayne Riggs Jaccoma....... wow that is sooooo fascinating....thanks Donald..

celine (Mar 17, 2013 17:09:17 GMT -5)
17/03/13Karen Walker shared a link.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Coming Race, by Edward Bulwer Lytton This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online a...Karen Walker...
Vril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.orgVril, the Power of the Coming Race is an 1871 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, originally printed as The Coming Race. Many readers[not specific enough to verify] believe that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril" is accurate, to the extent that some theos...

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