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RE: Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 3

in #donaldmarshall5 years ago

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:43:29 GMT -5)
-- Erased message about Vril eating children - Recorded and watched on TV monitors at the cloning facility in the arena.- [PARAPHRASED FROM A DELETED MESSAGE] They have giant tv monitors at the clonezones, they watch children being dropped by rope into a cylindrical hole in the ground, with a 1ft door at the bottom. The child thinks its friends are playing a trick on them, and then someone opens the tiny door and Vrill begin to very slowly walk out as if to maximize terror in the confused child. They begin shaking and trembling, trying to befriend the Vril out of fear by saying how cute they are, but they are killed and eaten while everyone at the cloning center watch on large tv monitors which also record the event.


celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:43:57 GMT -5)

  • Vril as pets for the elite- they're kept secret, some world leaders grew up with them, they made the sitcom "Alf" about them, some have a hole in their basement walls and give these things animals and in some cases humans... they're kept ultra secret, Elizabeth's pet is named Matilda... its bigger than average and old...they're smart. not nearly as smart as a human but can say some English words and have their own language of clicks n pops n gurgles built in sonar and everything... secret room recently made public tell all about these things, and there's even more... gotta kill these things off, and gas internal earth on a global scale..

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:44:23 GMT -5)
-- Machines That Can Hunt Them Down- they're small though... and tunnels underground only a foot around... each country will mass produce a killing robot... MASS PRODUCE like a rolling killing thing.... mini flashbang grenades they're blinded by bright light... they have built in sonar the robots will train on the clicking they click... then just send em in.... there's millions of these things down there....- above ground it wont take much to track them down... they stink like something rotten and people will give them up to save themselves... for the many underground, a gas or virus toxic to lizards will be made and mass produced so we can internally gas the planet internally.... I can imagine it will be a worldwide collaboration.

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:45:01 GMT -5)
Vril In Dungeons N' Dragons- they modeled the body of vrill off a hook horror in dnd... the rich guy gary gygax that invented dnd did that and put their name in the game... he attended cloning centers too...dead now though...- made hook horrors have a different head though cuz theyre uglier than anything in dnd... also added muscle to the hook horrors body... Vrill are skinny and breakable... hollow bones- yup... the power is the takeover [how they swarm a single person]

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:46:42 GMT -5)
Elites turning the Vril in to save themselves- the rich are giving them up... to save themselves.... problem the good people there as clones that pass out if you make them look at Vrill too close, and the incredibly evil people that like Vrill more than humans and have helped them become drones. These two different types of humans want to claim they were ALL only complicit because of fear.... they all want to survive after turning in the lizards...- people like Elizabeth and Charles and Vladimir don’t want to get lynched.... no vrill have their claw on a nuke button... their handlers one is gonna push the button.... they want a way to ensure their own survival.... they will give up the Vrill with pleas for mercy for themselves... leniency... they will help make them extinct... I can imagine no mercy will be tolerated for the vrill society leadership, but that is to be expected and is not my problem,... shut down cloning centers eradicate Vrill and punish and replace ringleaders... this key to ensure the survival of the earth if the vrill society get found out helping another species helping control humans the vrill society would be known as people that betrayed the human race to an alien being... they would be executed or worse lynched in the street... so they really try to cover all the bases… - people scared now... its ok... the nwo want to destroy them now... to save themselves... its all but over... this is why they gave tila supposed permission to join me without getting killed... theyre gonna give up with the first angry crowd and point the way... to save themselves...from the populace... seriously.- no need to be scared... no reprisals coming.... they have capitulated... that means surrendered basically.... unconditionally but will beg for theyre lives and leniency. Dont get stressed out in fear.... there is no need to... its as good as done... I need to raise an angry mob... to confront harper or elizabeth... Harper will fold easily... he is terrified.

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:47:48 GMT -5)
So the lizard vril are being thrown out as the scapegoat, and the Illuminati want to dodge the blame?- Yes…a planned hoax of theirs that will not succeed- they’re hoping for my success.... guys they’re gonna allow me to win... DO NOT STRESS They just want it to unfold correctly without chaos...- they're not a faction even in the Illuminati....they have little say [31 May at 17:10]-they’re an oddity they [need?] for the biological properties.... the Satanists try to play like Lucifer and Azazel the lizards’ god, which supplied them with his demons to grant them powers of immortality... but most of even them know this part ------> they’re just a stupid animal and the Illuminati will give them up to be destroyed in an attempt to get leniency and mercy from the populace... [31 May at 17:12]--- Drones- [My Paraphrasing] the Vrill have a proboscis on their exoskeletal spine that shoots a parasitic worm containing the intelligence of the vrill into someone's eye, then into the brain where it controls them and the vrill gets to experience life as a human, albeit a dumber and more evil human known then as a drone.-there are many Vrill in society walking around trying to enjoy life as humans... but they’re detectable... with catscans and other tests- sometimes they have one eye swelled out more than the other due to the "transition" and theyre way more dumb than the original person.... but smarter than normal Vrill... as they adapt to higher intelligence but are still dumb... they have a vacant look, there are medical ways to detect them... drones do a LOT of the unbelievable evils you hear in the world-[They] are very loyal slaves... they just like the opportunity to be humans,... they say the quality of life is better.... they become smarter.... like a really dumb guy... and they’re evil child molesters, half turn gay other half are bisexual.

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:48:20 GMT -5)

  • Vril’s getting chipped with human consciousness, then droning a human to make a new chipped-Vril drone.- Vrill heads are too small for a they put the chip on the outside of their heads and insert a wire to the spot in the brain it needs to go... Then they can literally put a human conscience in the vrill... Its disorienting but they do... Then they do the spine-in-your-eye thing to a human and cheat death but this drone is different... Less side effects regarding intelligence and other things but... Evil.... Very evil afterwards, half gay child molester and hurting things bring them pleasure.... They’re all over the place too... We will need a worldwide cat scan and destroy them all....

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:49:24 GMT -5)
Aliens, Greys, Vril Society, Area 51…- there are no greys, no nibiru, there are only vrill and they come from underground... feel privileged to know this...anyone else tell you this they will have an aneurysm.... tila [tequila] calls them demons... because that's what they told her they were called...she had an aneurysm before when SHE tried to tell people about them - The idea [of aliens] was born in area 51. The vril society in Germany were brought to area 51 to make saucers... Made em... Test flyin but it was during the cold war... This thing was unstable, incredible speed i dont know how the pilot didnt die... If it accidentally crashed in a town the russians woulda got wind of it and become nervous of a superweapon... So they put alien looking symbols on it in case of a crash.... It crashed, the skin was mylar... Now they said they made this material ten years later but they had it before just didnt disclose it to public... The russians heard about the landing and were afraid the americans were down with aliens... The americans fostered this idea to keep russia in check.... Russians and chinese have been vrill droning the world for decades from hospitals...and other places... They could be lying but i dont think so i would have met one... They said there's just vrill. Oh and drones are detectable in cat scans... There will be a world wide purge as they call it of all vrill drones. And markIII clones with a dead mans consciousness in the chip in his head...- --Are they an alien/e.t. race, or an indigenous earth race?earth.... always been on earth... they say they were in Atlantic... kept really primitive records...said Atlantis destroyed itself rather than be entirely parasitized.... these things have an instinctual like sex drive to take over humans... and half the illuminuts think that Lucifer or Azazel wants his followers to make drones... in tribute to him... so they do. - Yeah they don’t know any EXTRA terrestrials though... they speculate on anunnaki and greys are a total invention... leaked because they if their saucer crashed in a town they wanted [the] Russians to think it was aliens and not a secret weapon being tested... which it was... and that was cold war time too... there are no greys, they don’t hang with space aliens... there are only Vrill.l

celine (Jul 16, 2012 17:49:53 GMT -5)
Vril and "South Park"crabnasties is the name I called Vrill... the makers of south park or the owners thought it would be funny to put something similar into a south park episode... making fun of me trying to inform the world about Vrill... had Eric Cartman running around as if he were me saying aaah the crab people oooh someone save me from the crab people and they come up from underground and start running around taking over.... they look something similar to vrill too... Its all right under your noses...

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