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RE: Vrill and the cloning centres - Page 13

in #donaldmarshall5 years ago

Astral Light (Oct 8, 2013 18:32:33 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall different vrill type 3's can screech different pitch, they can really screech. The smaller ones type1's do a distress screech that sounds kinda like the crazy caterpillar from a Simpsons episode. Weird.


celine (Oct 9, 2013 12:37:53 GMT -5)
Michael Taylor posted to ILLUMINATI AND ASCENSION 2012The inner earth's called Agartha, it's a very closely guarded secret of the Illuminati it's inhabited by a reptile race called the Vril, the vril showed hitler underground at a top secret base in antarctica code named BASE 211 NEW BERLIN, note how hitler came obsessed with UFO's he was given advance technology note how all technology including NASA which is actually german founded when they brought nazi rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun over under OPERATION PAPERCLIP can be traced back to hitler via OPERATION PAPERCLIP rocketry, mind control and cloning know where did they get the technology from back then the answer is an alien race called the vril hence the vril society, the vril (reptiles) mine gold and give it to there servents which is the Illuminati the 13 most richest and powerful bloodlines in the world, the access points to agartha are the north and south poles, Mount Shasta, Great Pyramid of Giza ,Himalayan Mountains.Dorothy Price Hill The real name is Operation PaperDip. Someone wrote "D" but it was read as "C" and "L" inadvertently. The PaperDip means that intelligence including Blackops DIPPED the person's papers. I know this as I grew up in a CIA family.Michael Taylor Thanks Dorothy Dorothy Price Hill
Records of the Secretary of Defense (RG 330
The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) was established in 1945 as a sub...See moreDorothy Price Hill Anytime. Peace & Justice. Dorothy Price Hill My father is a member of the Bush family through Prescott Bush (1931).
President George HW Bush Genealogy & Family History
George H.W. Bush comes from a long line of industrial-minded entrepreneurs. He u...See moreDorothy Price Hill President George H W Bush is his half-brother.Dorothy Price Hill No wonder I could pick up German so well (am fluent):
The Windsor-Bush Bloodline
Rameses II. the FranksMeroveus or Merovee,the Merovingian bloodline,the Priory o...See moreMichael Taylor Interesting thanks for info Dorothy Dorothy Price Hill Will be in my book and movie.Troy Sharp but why didnt the vril enable hitler to win??Michael Taylor All's they (Vril) did was give him the tech in return for guinea pigs and food (jews), they didn't care about the war effort

celine (Oct 31, 2013 20:54:29 GMT -5)
Roger Clayton ............Can any of you tell me if the worm or proboscis were to miss... is that possible? How large is it? How quick and fast is it so can you jump out of the way? What happens to it if you are able to move?Donald Marshall.... proboscis moves slow... like a worm... they use young vrill type 1's to drone people because the proboscis is small.Kophyn Lyph are they blue bloods?Donald Marshall no, bleed red.Paul Davey ...Donald, where did you come up with the name "Vril" from ?Donald Marshall It's what Vrill call themselves.Paul Davey I noticed you spell it with two "L"s, is that a distinction of some sort ?Donald Marshall nah, when they said their name at cloning I assumed it had 2 L's cuz it sounds that way.Paul Davey Ok, because there was a Vril society offshoot from "Thule" "Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik (official name of the Vril Gesellschaft)" that made propellers !Paul Davey Anyway, it would appear that it is unrelated because being a society of advanced thinkers, they were working on some rather great technologies that would have been a benefit to mankind, such scientists as the legendary Viktor Schauberger included Donald Marshall they were just back engineering stuff they found underground.

freehumans (Nov 1, 2013 11:32:10 GMT -5)
Excerpt from thread posted 1st November 2013Donald Marshall no real humans actually like vrill and hosts... they pretend to... and the vrill and hosts KNOW they're faking it... but they play along as if they're genuine... it's so tense there...Fredrik Beckman so theyre well aware theyve painted themselves into the cornerFredrik Beckman Can Vrill read?Donald Marshall yesDonald Marshall unknown if vrill can read.Fredrik Beckman or how smart are theyDonald Marshall they have their own basic chicken scratch language of crude symbols... but they're basic.Donald Marshall smartest animal on Earth next to humans... but still dumb.Fredrik Beckman I mean it seems theyre running the show almostDonald Marshall smarter than the smartest primates... Chimp and Bonobo monkey.Donald Marshall seems that way... they want me to ask the World if they can just be strictly confined underground, never to return... but I don't think humans will be able to sleep knowing there are literal deadly monsters beneath them... I say wipe em.Donald Marshall they're evil as fuck.Fredrik Beckman and would we need some kind of protective suit we fight and kill them? i mean their skin is poisoness to us?Donald Marshall a full environmental suit.Fredrik Beckman whenDonald Marshall the spit doesnt have to go internal with a bite... that kills you fast... seizes you up still and you die... it's one of the worst ways to die.Donald Marshall BUT just getting the spit on your skin will absorb through and kill you just the same, just slightly slower.Fredrik Beckman wow ok so we have to keep them at distance while killing them?Donald Marshall the stuff is so bad, toxic, if they spit in your eyes, it hurts so bad, you automatically tear your eyes out,... and tearing your eyes out hurts less... and will only delay your death a short time.Donald Marshall they die just like anything else.Donald Marshall they won't be fighting... it'll be human hosts with military uniforms on fighting.Fredrik Beckman but if the illuminastys want to get free why are they doing their best to destroy the world with Chemtrails and fluroids and what not?Fredrik Beckman why wont the original Vrill fight for themselves?Donald Marshall it's hosts and dead chipheads that don't want to cease to exist... and religious fanatics trying to make the prophecies happen.Donald Marshall because vrill would die...Fredrik Beckman maybe à stupid question of me lol?Donald Marshall nope, good questions. Donald Marshall vrill arent elite soldiers... they're animals, they have hollow bones like birds, and would lose... also they're cowardly to the extreme. It's part of the parasitical psychology...Fredrik Beckman so how long do you feel it Will take before the illuminastys muster up the courage to deal with theese freaks?Donald Marshall sooner than you think. Donald Marshall they just want to enact the prophecy stuff first.Donald Marshall I told them, people will know they were set ups and will be very angry, but they said they have to fulfill the prophecy.Donald Marshall I don't know why.Fredrik Beckman nice hearing youre better aswell Donald Marshall not much better... I'll live long enough to complete the mission. Fredrik Beckman feels like theyre having à hard time letting go. I can understand that after thousands of years of clinging to power ower others. Sad to hear I hope you Will heal in some way!Fredrik Beckman I guess we all the peoples exept theese illuminastys want you to heal and be rewarded for all you do for humanity Donald Marshall my reward will be justice and vengeance.

Astral Light (Nov 22, 2013 6:58:38 GMT -5)
Brady AveryDo vrill host not have emotionsDonald Marshall they fake it to ensure their survival.Lina Seeka hey D u still about.Donald Marshall yep

celine (Jan 21, 2014 20:39:42 GMT -5)
David Weir Donald are type 2 and 3 Vrill stronger then humans, do we have a chance one on one against them?Donald Marshall not against type 3 unless you have a weapon... could kill type 2's. and type 1's is 50/50 because one bite and your done and they can spit the spit on you and blind you mess you up too then bite you,... they're stompable though.Donald Marshall type 3 would beat up Arnold Swarzenegger though,... they're skinny looking but INCREDIBLY strong... reptile muscles are more dense or something. Arnold would get tossed.Donald Marshall not to mention the built in weapons on the wrists and the nasty spit bite THEY have... bite is more narcotic debilating than corrosive like type 1's.David Weir Is their bite full of bacteria and will kill you, like Komodo Dragons?Donald Marshall its more like some kind of drug, some clones there get injected with it intentionally... messes up the clone, but they just goto next clone.Donald Marshall same kind of thing with the wrist spikes on type 3 big uns. it injects you with something with a cartiledge wrist spike. on the forearm.David Weir Do they like working with the Illuminati and humans or are they forced into it like trained animals?Donald Marshall seems an uneasy alliance.David Weir Wonder when one will turn on the other?David Weir Thanks Donald it is best to understand and know the enemy.

Mysterious English dude (Mar 1, 2014 23:00:48 GMT -5)
Hey guys, Donny, Celine.Was wondering if there is any way to encourage these things out on to the surface, so they can be pictured or whatever. Also what is the likelihood of getting hold of the carcass of one of these Vrill creatures (any type) so as to get the thing into a lab and test out various protection / weapon systems against them?Not that I have the equipment or skills for such a task, but it's a start and I would be confident of finding such people given some time. I have so many questions concerning encountering the Vrill;What is the best strategy for staying hidden, or escaping from them should you need to. How fast are they in a straight foot race, can they climb and corner quickly? What are their senses like? Do they have any weaknesses or particular bad strategies for movemement that we could take advantage of?I'm thinking it's worth everybody getting acquainted with the screwy little shits now, along with how to protect ourselves from them and how to kill them. I don't fear them at the moment, I think humans are the stronger race (well we aren't hiding underground from them are we?). it would be nice to have some factual backup with that though lol.Donny I could be mistaken but I am sure I read you punched one of these abominations in the face once. Is that a particularly good combat strategy against them? Only reason I ask is because as a competent fighter myself, I find straight punching any opponent to the face; to be a very ineffective strategy that relies on too many outside factors for it's success. That said I have never had to fight a fucking manky lizard thing lol so what do I know?So many questions, one day I hope to ask you some personally! It's crazy how you have seen so much of this stuff, I am dying to lay eyes on one of these digusting creatures myself. I am so eager to start killing them off too!

celine (Mar 14, 2014 18:50:15 GMT -5)
Nathan Danger BriscoeWhat do the Vril have to offer, really? From all I've heard, they are just dumb lizards. Who is the brains behind all of this?Donald Marshall China Russia Arabs...Noelle Macy Smith Those things should be exterminated if they exist... I don't see why the hell anyone would allow them to... live, what use are theyDonald Marshall fear n control.Nathan Danger Briscoe 10-4Laurence Mountford they used to dominate as gods when we were stupid. they didnt need anything then. they tricked humans. deal with the devil man. they live under ground. they can give you "Earthly riches" literally just jewls and shit from underground. they then led hitler to ancient atlantean technology. thenn after that they just sorta stuck around... they been doing that for millions of years. its like their thing. the great survivors... buuut not for much longer. time is running outNathan Danger Briscoe Good--makes senseLaurence Mountford it all makes sense.... in fact far too much sense... its insanely makeysenseynessLaurence Mountford like don said some of the vrill have feathers. well if you look up the literal translation to Quetzalcoatl the old mesoamerican deity was "feathered Serpent"... now don did not make that shizz up...Laurence Mountford its too crazy... too crazyness to ignore

celine (Mar 20, 2014 21:24:09 GMT -5)
Brook Doyle hey donald, i was hanging out with my dog and i had a thought. do/can vril drone other animals and take control but keep some of their smarts? if they would do a dog for instance would they be able to function or would they just degrade to dog intelligence?Donald Marshall yes they can, and they're smarter than a dog.Donald Marshall they do it with horses and buncha stuff... smarter horse.Brook Doyle is that considered a waste to do that for them since they can only do it once, or does it really matter? is their purpose to drone since that is their ability? do they even like being vril since they drone so much?Donald Marshall they'd rather drone a human, quality of life is better.Donald Marshall a blonde and blue eyed person is preferred by most vrill.Donald Marshall Scandinavian countries are infested with hosts...Brook Doyle are we attractive to their eyes? you know 'eye of the beholder' stuff. also i had a random thought about memory. i've always thought that memory was formed in the brain but if you can go to a clone and keep memory then the brain has nothing to do with memory at all?Donald Marshall we are the most attractive aliens in the known Galaxy.Read more:
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