
celine (Oct 23, 2014 19:31:14 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall20 October 2014America is in worse danger than I'd thought. I don't want to organize a protest. Share my posts and you'll save me the trouble.
Jacob Campbell Like this one? LolBillie Stark What kind of danger?Donald Marshall I'm just not going to answer you. Billie Stark.Billie Stark Donald Marshall Use your eyes and read.Rob Thorsen Please take the time to research before asking questions. Why haven't you read the boards yet?Rob Thorsen's photo.Spencer Allen Eskridge You got it Cap!Lill Fragill Castle its the art of war all over again ...this time its probably lawful...i had a dream i was barreling down a mountainside in a car i wasnt driving over the side i was flying stayed eyes open and landed mud and water fly being flung all around til i came to a stop ,still alive in some rice field.tell do tell has an eye landed and china can see?Lill Fragill Castle or am i just crazy like i seem to be?tell me i not but i still am tell me im talking riddles of nonsense and that ill believe

celine (Oct 23, 2014 19:42:08 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall20 October They have begun powering up the stations. Now. These things scramble your brain slowly over time.
Donald Marshall Not around me though.Donald Marshall's photo.Donald Marshall They will activate others and they will increase in intensity through the night. While you sleep.Adair Dfwtf Sheppard Damn is there some near Rancho Cucamonga?Donald Marshall Review pics.Donald Marshall I've taken many pics of the HAARP station locations.Donald Marshall Where's Rancho Cucamonga?Adair Dfwtf Sheppard In CaliforniaAdair Dfwtf Sheppard Sorta by La and Orange CountyWiselet Rouzard AJ WatkinsDonald Marshall None in Cali. They attract precipitation it seems and none are active on the west coast that I've seen. Intentionally drying up California looks like.Adair Dfwtf Sheppard Oh okay thanksSean Gatchell Watching these form in real-time right now!Donald Marshall Halo's

celine (Oct 23, 2014 19:56:50 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall21 October 2014None on east coast activated yet tonight. Just in the middle. There is an update out today for MyRadar app. I'm not getting it. Lol. Probably masks the HAARP rings.
Donald Marshall Is the pic showing? Not showing for me.Macho Lewis Its over my city,,, my whole state actually...Donald MarshallDonald Marshall's photo.Donald Marshall I'm never exposed. Lol. This is kinda weird. Donald Marshall Turns out I save you all from lotsa shit huh? Macho Lewis Chicago ill... Its been cloudy and raining all since last week and tomorrow is gonna be a dramatic warm up... Not normal for this time of yearDanielle RadcliffeDanielle Radcliffe's photo.Gordon Kirk I hope that doesnt go over the ocean to ukDonald Marshall They stay on certain spots on the map.Macho Lewis Its cold as hell but the news said it was suppose to reach lower to mid 70s... Crazy weather! ! !Macho Lewis's photo.Shellie Evans Check out Dutchsince he tracks the HARRP rings.

celine (Oct 24, 2014 18:58:41 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall 23 October I don't think they're liking all the people checking out the radar.
Weather Service stops receiving satellite data, issues notice about forecast qualitySince at least Tuesday, satellite data - an important input to weather models - has stopped flowing into the Weather Service due to an apparent network outage.WASHINGTONPOST.COMMary-Beth Hallen They've been manipulating images for a long time. Must be something this way come........Donald Marshall YepDonald Marshall's photo.Donald MarshallDonald Marshall's photo.Sean Gatchell See it every night, like clockwork. Same fucking rings.

celine (Oct 28, 2014 4:25:06 GMT -5)
Rob Thorsen‎Chicago, IL - 10/26/2014 3am CST
Donald Marshall Many paying attention to the radar now.

celine (Oct 28, 2014 5:29:05 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall
Phil Chuppa Starting early tonightBradley Maier Very abstract ...Something to fear,no?doubt?,perhaps the west coast ,got the blues,bless your cryptic postsDonald Marshall Not cryptic. That's HAARP slowly squirrelling people's brains.Phil Chuppa Man they got me last night at work felt depressed, like I wanted to die.Donald Marshall They can do that.Donald Marshall It's subtle.Teal Lee van Vlymen HAARP? PSH....clouds are always perfectly circular and hovering over military bases, or perfectly pushing mega storms around to destroy infrastructure and drive people away from regions recently sold to the Chinese. Crazy conspiracy theorists and their facts......jeesh. Oh shit O.O : UNITED STATES PATENTEastlundPatent Number: 4,686,605 Date of Patent: Aug. 11, 1987METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ALTERING A REGION IN THE EARTH'SATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, AND/OR MAGNETOSPHERE----------------------------------------------------------------Inventor: Bernard J. Eastlund, Spring, Tex.Assignee: APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.Appl. No.: 690,333Filed: Jan. 10, 1985References CitedPUBLICATIONSLiberty Magazine, (2/35) p. 7 N. Tesla. New York Times (9/22/40)Section 2, p. 7 W. L Laurence.New York Times (12/8/15) p. 8 Col. 3.Primary Examiner--Salvatore Cangialosi Attorney, Agent, orFirm--Roderick W. MacDonaldABSTRACTA method and apparatus for altering at least one selected regionwhich normally exists above the earth's surface. The region isexcited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to therebyincrease its charged particle density. In one embodiment,circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmittedupward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a fieldline which extends through the region of plasma to be altered.The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which exciteselectron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the chargedparticles. This increase in energy can cause ionization ofneutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the regionthereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.15 Claims, 5 Drawing FiguresMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ALTERING A REGION IN THE EARTH'SATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, AND/OR MAGNETOSPHEREDESCRIPTION1. Technical FieldThis invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering atleast one selected region normally existing above the earth'ssurface and more particularly relates to a method and apparatusfor altering said at least one region by initially transmittingelectromagnetic radiation from the earth's surface essentiallyparallel to and along naturally-occurring, divergent magneticfield lines which extend from the earth's surface through theregion or regions to be altered.2. Background ArtIn the late 1950's, it was discovered that naturally-occuringbelts exist at high altitudes above the earth's surface, and itis now established that these belts result from charged electronsand ions becoming trapped along the magnetic lines of force(field lines) of the earth's essentially dipole magnetic field.The trapped electrons and ions are confined along the field linesbetween two magnetic mirrors which exist at spaced apart pointsalong those field lines. The trapped electrons and ions move inhelical paths around their particular field lines and "bounce"back and forth between the magnetic mirrors. These trappedelectrons and ions can oscillate along the field lines for longperiods of time.In the past several years substantial effort has been made tounderstand and explain the phenomena involved in belts of trappedelectrons and ions, and to explore possible ways to control anduse these phenomena for beneficial purposes. For example, in thelate 1950's and early 1960's both the United States and U.S.S.R.detonated a series of nuclear devices of various yields togenerate large numbers of charged particles at various altitudes,e.g., 200 kilometers (km) or greater. This was done in order toestablish and study artificial belts of trapped electrons andions. These experiments established that at least some of theextraneous electrons and ions from the detonated devices didbecome trapped along field lines in the earth's magnetosphere toform artificial belts which were stable for prolonged periods oftime. For a discussion of these experiments see "The RadiationBelt and Magnetosphere", W. N. Hess, Blaisdell Publishing Co.,1968, pps. 155 et sec.Other proposals which have been advanced for altering existingbelts of trapped electrons and ions and/or establishing similarartificial belts include injecting charged particles from asatellite carrying a payload of radioactive beta-decay materialor alpha emitters; and injecting charged particles from asatellite-borne electron accelerator. Still another approach isdescribed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,042,196 wherein a low energy ionizedgas, e.g., hydrogen, is released from a synchronous orbitingsatellite near the apex of a radiation belt which isnaturally-occurring in the earth's magnetosphere to produce asubstantial increase in energetic particle precipitation and,under certain conditions, produce a limit in the number ofparticles that can be stably trapped. This precipitation effectarises from an enhancement of the whistler-mode and ion-cyclotronmode interactions that result from the ionized gas or "coldplasma" injection.It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium inthe magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the coldplasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation throughenhanced whistler-mode interaction.However, in all of the above-mentioned approaches, the mechanismsinvolved in triggering the change in the trapped particlephenomena must be actually positioned within the affected zone,e.g., the magnetosphere, before they can be actuated to effectthe desired change.Trautmann Martin shut them down bro!Donald Marshall Need all your help. I can't do it alone.Trautmann Martin I'm in man!Trautmann Martin would love to see humanity free from enslavement..Donald Marshall You willTrautmann Martin good vibes, thanks bro! bless yaDonald Marshall Oh I feel so much better with the reinforcing belief that I'm blessed. Lol

celine (Nov 1, 2014 7:50:20 GMT -5)
Donald MarshallI am being hit with HAARP for the first time.
Donald Marshall Feel agitation increased aggravation.Donald Marshall I need to go back to Canada.Shauna Scott Duck for cover baby doll!!!Hope Summers... Hollywood satanic sacreficial night....Greg Hallier Lindberg... H.A.A.R.P INNITIATED

celine (Nov 2, 2014 11:51:28 GMT -5)
Donald Marshall1st nov 2014
I am being hit with HAARP for the first time.Donald Marshall Feel agitation increased aggravation.Shauna Scott Duck for cover baby doll!!!Hope Summers Hollywood satanic sacrificial night....Greg Hallier Lindberg H.A.A.R.P INITIATEDVelma Lewis What is going onDonald Marshall Not good.Velma Lewis Thats it. Hope you dont suffer badly.

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