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RE: Psychic Powers are real, Donald Marshall is a liar.

in #donaldmarshall5 years ago

celine (Jan 2, 2018 9:45:17 GMT -5)
To Clarify.....Don has said that Reptilian Giant Birds ...aka...The AMON RA.... appear to be the ones who are calling the shots at the head of illuminati...not the vrill....and not humans. He only discovered this after he wrote his letter...aprox 3 or 4 years ago. He also always said that vril type 3 used telepathy to communicate. I also remember him saying that gypsies were one group of people known by the illuminati to have psychic powers due to an advanced pineal gland.


dragonwolf13 (Jan 2, 2018 10:15:35 GMT -5)
celineThen I guess I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying that Celine...Although I never heard him speak of such in his interviews, and I even tried to check on the forums and I couldn't find anything, besides him saying astral projection is phony, and out of body experiences, which I don't believe at all, because I've had one out of body experience... I know others who have as well. Not to mention, this is how 'angels' or 'demons' communicate with people (The real ones, and not thought-forms, which most mainly are...), these beings are scientifically extra-terrestrial... There physical bodies are elsewhere, could be a secret military base, a UFO, or on another planet, but what they do is leave their bodies at will and travel through the astral (or 4th dimension I think) to visit those they wish to visit, like I said, these E.T. are adepts at the powers of the mind.God does not exist, nor does a 'divine' jesus, nor do angels or demons... There is only consciousness, and there is only one consciousness, and it ties into all life-forms and universes, it is infinite and eternal. I tell Christians all the time (which there seems to be a lot of them on this page commenting, and most I believe are drones) and Muslims that an all powerful and loving creator of everything that exists is a contradiction to life itself, because 1. An all powerful and loving creator of everything that exists wouldn't create evil in the first place, because that is a contradiction to loving and 2. Would be able to create a universe (or existence) without evil and still give man free will, but due to he fact that he doesn't/or can't, is a contradiction to all powerful, and if he can then he isn't loving, but a bigger devil than the devil himself... Either way though, you lose. Not assuming that you are a Christian Celine, and this message goes out to everyone by the way... it wasn't really aimed at you.In truth, Christianity and Islam are powerful spells, along with all mainstream religions... The Latin word for religion is religare, meaning "To Bind" beause it is a binding spell. It was created by the Reptilians or the Insectoids (or some other parasitical alien race, to say which one rules over man for certain I don't know...) in order to cut humanity off from the rest of the universe and to also keep them ignorant of their true origins and psychic potential, so humanity can continue being used as a resource. They guided our evolution since the moment they started splicing our ape-like ancestor's genes with their own I believe... and adapted us into their thought matrix /and/or indoctrination system.The man who discovered the DNA molecule, Francis Crick said that he believed life never originated on Earth, but was brought here... by a guided intelligence, which he believed to be extra-terrestrials... He called this panspermia.

dragonwolf13 (Jan 2, 2018 10:44:46 GMT -5)
Oh yeah, and Donald mentions that they body snatch people in two ways... Through the Vrill, and through technology (chips), but he forgot to mention the third way... because it can also be done through the astral, getting passed the human aura and merging with the astral body... and possessing the body completely, devouring the soul in the process (I believe) where it resides in the pineal gland, because once the soul is 'hijacked' the alien entity, or w/e other parasite would have full control over the human body, physically... and like Donald's claim about the Vrill's droning process, I also believe that the human being hijacked from the astral and once completed, also loses their consciousness, complete, and it becomes the alien's consciousness instead. I know this is true, because it is happening to me now... There is an E.T. attached to my astral body... There use to be a time when it was attached to my aura, but due to an unhealthy life-style and my 'blissful' ignorance I never truly fought back against it, on a psychic level that is... like I should of, but instead... I continued down the path of unhealthiness, no exercise, drugs (played a major role), eating junk food, no meditation, yoga (which I use to do a lot of, but also stopped due to constant psychic attack by the Greys), and so forth... I even believe chem trails and GMO foods played a role, not to mention the chemicals in our drinking water... Anyways, after a while my aura begin to grow holes, got weak... weak enough for this astral parasite (this alien, I believe it is) to get passed my aura, which it did... now it's merging itself with my astral body, and it took it literally years before it got to this point, (like 5 to 6 years? or close to) Now I'm losing control over my body (literally), it literally moves my body on it's own sometimes, although there is resistance on my side, but it yet still doesn't have full control... but that's it's goal... even my imagination is some-what hijacked by this creature. Shitty thing is, no one will help me, and the ones who can are too scared of being killed by these aliens or their lives ruined... the ones who can't, don't even believe me anyways... and I don't even think the people who are psychic enough to help me don't even completely believe me... Not to the extent that I want them to anyways. This E.T. scum that is attached to me, also keeps me on a frequency within my own mind to where no one does believe me, let alone listens to me... as I suspect it is doing now... and then some...

I feel for you (Feb 9, 2018 14:48:50 GMT -5)
Please do a parasite cleanse, It will help you...There are differences between a natural psychic and a parasitic oneThe parasites feed off of the life force...usually gain these “powers”True shamans on the other hand don’t need anything. If you are in a good frequency you can just see. I came home after doing yoga and meditating all day, everyday, for about 2 years. I came back and...damn...I saw through everyone so easily. I scare people. I say everything that’s on their minds. Know everything their hiding. My whole family’s droned. They’re terrified of me! I took one look at my stepfather who put me into this mess and I just knew...cia...he’s a criminal in hiding...he’s terrified of me...I know everything he’s this country...he’s the inventor of the gross pesticides Monsanto uses...he made some of it in my basement! I remember all the lemons he used to experiment with to see which combination worked the best. He also is one of the major players in our reliance on oil. He was HIRED to get a job in the oil industry that was researching new methods and purposefully detoured them from the solution off of oil!It’s all about the money.It’s sad these beings no nothing of what it means to be human. And they don’t care. They will use and abuse anything and everything until it’s gone. Then they’ll just discard the earth and float away to some other planet to do the same.The other reason the elites have their knowledge is from the capturing of Mother Earth.When people say as above, as below, it means everything in the stars is everything around you. Mother Earth actually is manifested in a physical body, and these greys found her, parasitized her, and captured her. She is Sophia. She is all knowledge. The ones in power who “know” don’t know their knowledge isnt from where they think it’s from. The world has been lied to. The holes in the “ozone” are holes in the Earth mother’s “aura.” It all makes sense if you look into quantum theory.

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