Pedophilia Being Taught As “Sexual Orientation” in California Schools... what a fucking surprise.....

in #donaldmarshall5 years ago (edited)

I keep trying to fucking tell people about this.

Its being pushed slowly but surely and forcefully.

Pedophilia is just an orientation
Slavery is just belief
And Ignorance is a choice.

This is the best quote ive ever heard of this situation and il keep saying it.

This is introducing sexual content to children under the banner of tolerance and education.

And fuck anyone who says different.

Or maybe I'm wrong and this is all just californication


Who knows, maybe the next thing they decide to teach will be cannibalism or dismembering as sexual orientation... (and this should sound as sarcasm, but I wouldn’t be surprised)

someone in psychology has already said it once - cannibalism is just another expression of “love” toward a person they want to physically consume. O_O

Our world is literally going MAD.

I don’t even understand why sexual stuff has to be aight by the public schools and this whole heartless System. I am now looking for ways to take my daughter out of it.

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