5 Ways To Help Donald Marshall: How to Make a Difference!

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

We all know Donald Marshall, same as Phil Schneider, is taking a lot of risks for speaking out, and though he doesn't appear worried about it, we know he has a lot on his shoulders.

On the other hand, we also know this issue is serious, that human cloning is something we have to fight, and that the New World Order doesn't have our interests at heart, rather opting to do really dark stuff for their own gain and sometimes just for amusement.

Finally, we know the Illuminati, NWO, Scientology leaders and virtually all elites are together on this, so we can't really do much... other than support!

But, how can just one person help?

How can YOU help?

What should we do?

Well, that's what I get asked a lot, so I thought about creating this blog post, where I go over five simple ways you can help the whistleblower himself.

Ready to fight for humanity, one person at a time?

Well then, read below...

Get Informed: The Vril Information Bomb!

Let's start by the first thing you should do:


#DonaldMarshall himself has told us a lot about the Vril, Human Cloning, the NWO and more... there's a vast array of informational resources out there.

One of my favorite resources ever is the Vril Info-Bomb you can see at:


This has all of the info Donald Marshall shared and sums up his statements masterfully. You can easilly soak from his first experience knowledge and his years of experience to learn more about:

  • Cloning Centers;
  • Underground Bases;
  • Vrill;
  • New World Order;
  • Illuminati;
  • The Donald Marshal Revolution;
  • Parasitic Drones;
  • REM Induced Mind Transfer...

...and more!

Let's face it, the only thing allowing the Elites to rule us under their iron fist is that 98% of people don't even care or know about this topic.

The people investing in launching the New World Order are DECEIVING and Intrigue Masters... they are great at masking themselves and taking us all as fools.

If people were to be informed, then they wouldn't stand a chance.

Thus, working on YOU getting informed is among the best things you can do to help #DonaldMarshall and all of the humans on this planet we call home.

If I were you, I'd also check the DonaldMarshallRevolution.com portal and bookmark it, to keep on returning and see when it goes live.

It promises to be a great source of information as well, and even Donald talks about it from time to time which is a great thing as he didn't make the site himself.

As he wasn't the developer behind the site, they could be using his name to spread fantastic accounts just to attract readership and use his name for their benefit, but it seems this is NOT the case here, so I'd stay tuned.

Now, other than getting informed, what more can you do?

Spread The Word: Get The Word Out!

The second stop after you yourself are an informed individual, is to get the word out and inform others.

Remember how I state that with an informed populace the elite would have no chance of getting away with their wicked and hideous plans and procedures?

Well, this is where you come in.

It is your mission to spread the word and inform others. Think about how if every single person in this movement informed 2 people, the word would spread out LIGHTNING FAST.

I'm blogging about this and informing more than 2 people... @FullTimeGeek is supporting bloggers and thanks to him dozens upon dozens of people get informed daily, and Donald himself is doing some heavy lifting, gathering a lot of "soldiers" for the informational cause.

So, even if everyone we inform informs only 2 people, that's a lot of red-pilling going on.

There is no stronger force in the world as compounding, as the saying goes, and with each person informed, we're compounding on the people who will be informed by that person as well.

Spread the Word!

Are You On STEEM? Join the Super Soldier of Jesus Christ

This one is an easy thing to do if you're on STEEM.

I'm going to keep it simple - @FullTimeGeek is driving a massive effort forward on informing the people.

As so, he is PERSONALLY upvoting the good posts that add value to the cause and that he thinks help Donald Marshall and the revolutionary movement.

You don't have to tell him about it, you don't need to fill in any pre-requisite... just craft a post you think will help our cause and I'm sure @fulltimegeek will look it up and decide whether it is worthy of a good vote or not.

When publishing these Vrill War posts, post them with the tags: DonaldMarshall - HumanCloning - Vril and if you want me to look them up tag them KillVrill as well.

Let's get more content about this vital effort onto the blockchain and make sure people can't avoid it.

Learn About Lucid Dreaming and Dream Awareness:

This must sound like a weird one, but controlling your dreams is vital to anyone fighting the Human Cloning guys.

If you get informed, you'll get to know about REM sleep mind transfers and about how the clones rely on your REM sleep phase to get empowered since they are otherwise mostly empty husks.

Well, Lucid Dreaming and Dream Awareness are hand to hand on learning how to detect when you're dreaming and how to control your dreams.

You can't control the "dreams" in which you are inside your clone, but hopefully you can control your REM phase sleep enough that you can wake up immediatly if you get yourself on a tight spot.

This has to be done right before the consciousness is stolen, when you feel something weird is about to happen or when you feel your consciousness slipping away...

It may be just your REM phase ending and so your dream will fade, but it can also be your consciousness starting to being funnelled, thus dream awareness is important to wake up as soon as you feel this consciousness fade... better safe than sorry.

Reach Out to Important People Inside the Movement:

There are a lot of influential people in the movement towards stopping the NWO from triggering, the human cloning centers from operating and the Vril from terrorizing the human race.

These people are researchers, bloggers, @dmarshalltruth (twitter), @saltmashpotatoe (twitter) and more.

What you can do to help the movement is, if you think you have a particular set of skills that can help the cause, contact them and offering your services.

Volunteer to help through something that makes you unique... maybe you can craft a kickass video to bring awareness to the topic, maybe you're a reporter with a lot of contacts and you can get us more exposure, maybe you're a webdesigner who can create a neat project to help with the Donald Marshall Revolution...

...well, help is always needed, and you'll be fighting the good fight so what is there to lose other than time?

You'll be helping humanity.

Think about it... there are a lot of ways you can help, and as Donald Marshall says in his twitter account:

  • You'll be judged on how you helped, or didn't!


Stay safe, and watchful!

Decentralized Ad Space Rocks:


Wake up people.. this is not new... check out this YouTube video from 1981... that's 37 years ago..

Speak out.. wake up..

I'll certainly be adding you to my follow list.. thanks for helping getthe word out..

Thanks man, and I agree with you... this isn't new... heck this is older than humanity!

Excellent article with plenty of solutions, you are so right when you say we only need to 'wake up' 2 people and it will spread like wildfire. This initiative has blown my mind in its effectiveness. Well done to all of the writers, and especially FT!

Sharing this everywhere.

Thanks Lyndsay!
Glad to have you around here ;)


Thanks for sharing this info and i have resteemed!

I have only come across this name in passing and never really delved into it. I feel at this point I have seen everything there is to see, but not this! I will research this further and look up the info he disseminated!

Any ideas he gives on how he has been able to stay alive?

According to him the Vril are pretty much done for and being offered as scapegoats by the NWO... singularity happened, the moment in which the elites managed to surpass the lowest category of vrill.

Only real knowledge and great information can lead us to the top. This is a great post, I'll see you at the top.

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