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RE: Donald Marshall- The Dulce Battle & The Illuminati Part II

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

when the image came on of all the celebrities covering an eye to show a symbol of the illuminati. I got a mental image of people with their index finger poking into their closed eye like a symbol showing they are no longer asleep nor blind to the enemies tricks and traps. Its time we stop discussing and saying we now know and do something.As talking about the fact your house is on fire while you set on the couch does nothing. Organization on the local levels then by states No not about violence thats what they want. But there must be a next level. This will also force a reaction on the enemies part one they are probably not ready to do nor wanting to do as it will show even more people this is real it will also help us to find their moles already right in front of us these moles are the way the are able to constantly keep people asleep by making subtle changes and miss direction. The most important reason for organizing on local levels to start with is for the simple fact we are all at the moment of reading this holding one of if not their greatest tool they use against us. Much like the way successful terrorist factions operate is through avoiding the use of the web and cell phones Its hard to win when the enemy knows your battle plans. We must collaborate get our best and brightest minds together and start countering their plan. They wont well shouldn't be able to react to strongly at this point in time as to do so will open everyone's eyes and force thier hand they will lose their slaves and have only those who are already collaborating and in their camp. Make no mistake people THIS IS WAR one for our very existence. The more I think about it all the shootings going on heart breaking in its self but I would not doubt its a very well thought out plan to try and get the population disarmed by using slaves puppets those with weak minds to carry out thier plans There is mention the use of medicine Im curious to know Though its obvious these sick bastards have something wrong mentaly. How many are being treated for it and what medications are they using? Is this helping or is it the very reason they did what they did and the medication being the way they gained control. Right now silly as it may sound we all should start boiling our drinking water Yes even bottled water We dont know who is with them and what better way to test different substances than to put it in things like bottled water. They can then monitor the way it works on different people. We cant begin to imagine how subtle they are but they know whats in what brand then through the use of tv and the web broadcast signals subliminal to cause a reaction when they get tne reaction they wanted its then easy enough to find what brand they used little things like that are not out of the realm of possibility if one believes they use aircraft to deliver things through chem trails. At anyrate we must develope a infrastructure now and start drawing the lines now to be able to even think of making a stand in the near future. GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU AND YOURS.

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