Luciferian's Plan / Carolyn Hamlett & How The Numbers 9-1-1 Play Into "The Plan"

Image Source- Pixabay

Last week I wrote a post about the Luciferian World, Carolyn Hamlett & The Illuminati and today I am continuing the discussion about Carolyn Hamlett's explanation of The Plan.

The Numbers 9-1-1

Alone the numbers 1, 9 or even 11 don't have much significance, but put them together in the way of 9-1-1 and these numerals take on more than one meaning. First, which is what I grew up with; as well as my Canadian neighbors, as an emergency number to call for assistance or to report a crime. The more recent meaning of the numbers, while in the same order, but have a number syntax change known as 9/11. This meaning (9/11) is known worldwide as the day the U.S. had the largest terror attack on their soil.

9/11: The day that lives in infamy in the hearts, souls and minds of billions of people.

But the magnitude of those three numbers goes beyond the day the Twin Towers fell, or the Pentagon was attacked or United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in a Pennsylvania field.


As you remember from my previous post about what Carolyn Hamlett states on her blog page about what The Plan is:

“The Plan” is a huge carefully mapped out plan of deceptions, a HUGE conspiracy composed of many small conspiracies carefully designed to influence the masses step by step toward gladly embracing the planned new order of world government and spirituality headed by Lucifer/Satan’s ‘chosen one’ aka “The Christ”. This is Satan’s ‘chosen one’, not to be confused at all with Jesus Christ, Son of God who is the Righteous God, Creator of the universe’s TRUE plan which is a plan of salvation, not evolution. Evolution is a lie of Satan. It is true that we will die if we don't take hold of the ‘Life line’ of Jesus Christ which God provided for us, and follow him.

According to Carolyn Hamlett, the September 11 attacks on US soil was the beginning of Luciferian Plan. In a post on her blog, she explains what the Plan is and talks about theosophy (a wisdom of God) and how they- meaning the elite and the Luciferian followers are planning out how to rule us; how to control us and how to ultimately conquer and destroy us.

Hamlett left the Illuminati in 1985, and after the 9/11 attacks, she decided to come out in the open and tell-all because she claims she (thanks to be a member of the secret society) knew about Al Qaeda and the planned attacks.

She continues to explain how the organization (hierarchies) and the Plan have been in play, with perfectly implemented events, for centuries.

The organization is composed of fallen spiritual beings, humans and hybrids who work in the supernatural and here on this physical earth. These members have infiltrated all nations, all races, all governments, all military, all religions and all walks of life.
For every human component working for “The Plan”, there are at least several from the supernatural overlooking that human and directing their moves throughout their entire life

When the idea of the Plan was explained to her and her mother many decades ago, they were told lies about how Lucifer/Satan led spiritual hierarchy and pecking order. She adds that in this day and age, more and more Christians are being told (perhaps to some degree brainwashed) to believe that the written word of God and followers of Jesus would not be saved and they needed to move away from the Christian word and beliefs.

"We were told that America was at a dangerous place in their spirituality because of the predominately fundamental Biblical interpretation and that this “narrow-minded” and “outdated view” was holding up the progression of “The Plan” for the rest of the masses.
Things were set into motion by the organization as a means to shake people up and cause them to explore and seek answers outside of their Judeo-Christian values"

Back in 2016, she was a guest on the The Awakening Liberty Show With Sean Caron show where she discussed what she learned, what it was like to be a member of the Illuminati and more about her life.

Did you know...

  • In 1987, US President Ronald Reagan declared September 11, as Emergency Number Day (Proclamation 5696)
  • In 1991, US President George H.W. Bush gave his infamous NWO speech to the joint chambers of Congress

Source- Henry Makow website

The Newsone Website's 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

When George W Bush immediately learned about the attacks, see his reaction here. No sense of urgency. No shocked face. What do you see?



Disclaimer- this post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged. All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.


great , i read and i learn an know more about Carolyn Hamlett's explanation of The Plan .....@goldendawne

thank you.. and thanks for stopping by

howdy @goldendawne! powerful stuff. Another fascinating post and more information about this demonic strategy, thank you so much. I think we better be praying for Carolyn Hamlett's safety! my vote is worthless, waiting to recharge.

no worries about the recharge.. just glad you enjoyed reading my post

I think the layers of control go so deep that most Cabot comprehend the manipulation. I am not a Christian and I think. The Satan thing itself is a false flag.
Some good research to indulg in is josh reeves work the secret right volumes 1 and 2

Layers don't even BEGIN to describe this.... there are so many topics then each veer off into ten more topics. It's very intricate.

I am surprised people are allowed to actually leave the Illuminati - with all the secrets they would know.

Have you come across many who have left? Presumably there is no chance they are staged leavings for further manipulations...

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