Big Brother Want Us To Be Dependent & The Illuminati Wants To Control Us: We're Doomed

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)

Image Source- Pixabay

People who have been a cycle food stamp recipient list have grown accustomed to the EBT card being a part of their lives. BUT NO MORE...

According to Newsweek in mid 2017,

The number of Americans receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly referred to as food stamps, continues to drop, according to the latest numbers released by the United States Department of Agriculture, which oversees the program.

As of July 7, 42.6 million Americans were receiving SNAP benefits during the current fiscal year, down from 44.2 million in 2016. The 2017 figure is the lowest since 2010, when 40.3 million people were on food stamps. The number peaked in 2013, at 47.6 million.

And in January 2018, it's being reported on Fox News that food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show.

So why were so many people on food stamps or public assistance of some kind? The economy? Jobs leaving their area? Laziness?

Granted hard times hit us all at one point in time and we may have had to seek out help until we could get back on our feet. Heck I know quite a few people who were laid off and had to get some sort of state or federal assistance. Did I belittle them? No. Did I judge them? No.

Once they were employed again, the people stopped the assistance and went about their lives.

But I have seen people who have been on assistance for years... and years. What bothers me about this is a few things:

  • They are able-bodied and not collecting disability so they are capable of work
  • Every month when they receive their assistance reload to a card or bank account, I think about all the elderly living social security check to check and have to decide between their heart medication refill for the month or having food for four meals this week
  • How much of that is money is coming from hardworking people paying into the programs through tax bills

So once I asked a woman (she was the sister of the brother's girlfriend) why she continued getting food stamps and a monthly check for living expenses when she could very well work. Her reply... "Why bother? They pay me to stay home.. I make more this way..."

What? Huh? They? Who is they? My first thought was my husband (since I am a stay-at-home-wife) and all the other people working jobs; sometimes more than one at a time. But then I thought harder... No... it was the politicians. They allowed people to become lazy.

Politician- No, no.. you stay home collect food stamps, welfare and everything else. We'll pay you...
Recipient- This is easy breezy...
Politician- You've been in the system collecting for... two years... let's make it three. We extended benefits...
Recipient- Well, if you insist...

They, the government and politicians, made us lazy. They made us see we can get something for nothing. We can sit on our butts, get paid, have food on our table and when it looks like it'll run out... they approve more money (to add to the deficit) so you can do it longer.


I honestly believe this has come about because the government WANTS us reliant upon them. And why not? They give, give, give and give some more. We become complacent. We become dependent. We are at their mercy. We take what they give, never ask questions and when we need more, they dole it out in little increments. Almost like a dealer and drug user's relationship. Give a little sample and make them crave it so they'll come back for more... but don't give them too much... just enough to hook them.

C'mon people... wake up!

Why do you think so many local, state and even the federal government make laws, ordinances and other legal roadblocks for people who want to life off-grid, be homesteaders and live a self-sustained lifestyle?

Back in 2014, this Florida woman living off the grid was told to 'plug in' by the city.

Robin Speronis has been living in a Cape Coral home without running water or city electricity for close to two years, NBC-2 reports. She does this by using solar panels and filtering rain water. This way, she never has to pay a city electric or water bill... she was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply and would need to start using city water within a month or face consequences

Or this Couple Facing Arrest for Living Off-Grid on Their Own Property in 2017 in Huntsville.

If we learn to provide for ourselves then why would we need the government? Mind you, this is NOT what the government wants. They want us to come to them... begging and pleading for help. Basically they want us by the short hairs

And What About The Illuminati? They Want Control... They Want The New World Order... One Of Everything

I have said it before and I will continue to say it.. the Illuminati is seeking to control us... to control everything... to create the New World Order where we all worship one religion, we have one currency and we have one government overseeing the world's populace.

Last night I read the AGENDA 21 - AGENDA 2030 - ILLUMINATI - NEW WORLD ORDER and this specific paragraph called to me...

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to own the planet for themselves, and to be operated by up to 500 million people may live as their serfs, which the rest will be cut from the current population.

The most recent major steps forward were taken... at the 70th Assembly of the United Nations in New York, where were presented all the coordinated actions of the one-world government, but which hardly anyone, whether the media is talking about, let alone the importance understand.

You need to read the twelve things listed that the Illuminati want to accomplish, or in some cases have already set into place or are in the process of making happen in our daily lives. From increasing dependence on public benefits to control and manipulation of the media. Sound familiar?

Please read this agenda and let me know what you think...

Fun (Scary) Fact

Did you know there is an Illuminati card game?
Well, there is- check it out here

Card game rules-

Collectable Card Game based on the popular Illuminati game.

Secret conspiracies try to take over the world. Each player represents a different conspiracy (or different factions of the same conspiracy!) each of which can win either by controlling enough "groups" like the Republican Party or France or by fulfilling their own special goals

Yeah.. this will be on my Christmas wish list in 2018... how about you?



Disclaimer- this post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged. All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.


Much of society is now run on the dependency model - swallowed with a large dose of distraction so that few ever wake up.

Upvoted and has been added to the latest MAP Upvotes post.

Good stuff @goldendawne. It's a very sad situation, and will only get worse. The larger problem is that when people become dependent upon someone else, or in this case Big Brother, they also relinquish responsibility to the government. They become mentally and emotionally dependent... looking to government to solve all their problems or satisfy all their needs. This is where we get the mentality that needs = rights. I have a need for health care, for instance, so it automatically becomes my right, and government must provide it. Do you see? Also, when a populace becomes dependent they loose their capacity for self government. They give that up and become less than, diminished... slaves. Of course, they willingly follow their masters demands to march off to war or to hate others, or to follow the government ordained definition of political correctness.

In this homogenized mass of mediocrity, only the few survive with their self respect and self governance intact. You are one.


Common sense reporting. Something we desperately need.

At the same time that they are complaining about too many on food stamps, they are creating that dependence that is now several generations old...and it will be a bear to try to change that heavily ingrained mindset of 'can't ' . First they have to be convinced that continued dependence is NOT to their advantage, then gradual progress can be made. It's gonna take complete re-education, and jobs that pay a livable wage.

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