Donald Marshall and his testimony being soft disclosed on Netflix!

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)

I have to say, I thought I knew every whistle blower/contactee/experiencer out there, but recently I came across Donald Marshall. A former Illuminati insider that was with them since a very early age and later in life he was able to separate himself and revealed lots of insider info as he knows it from first hand experiences.

As I was listing to him I was thinking, wow this is exactly like the Netflix show altered carbon which is based from a 2002 science fiction novel by British writer Richard K. Morgan.

The story takes place hundreds of years into our future where through a alien technology the human populace has figured out the ability to store there "soul" within what are called stacks, literally rounded metallic discs that are in the top of the spine. Also human cloning has been perfected and exists, so someone with enough money and power can simply clone himself and put his stack into that clone and essentially be immortal.

They can also put there stacks into other hosts body and take over the other bodies if that is the only stack within.

While i was listening to Donald describe the cloning world of the elites I heard so many parallels to this show/novel that it simply cant be a coincidence.

What Donald Marshall described=

Torturing the clone with the humans soul within, when that body would die, they would put the soul into another clone and do it all over again until satisfied. In the show this exactly would occur as well.

Souls that would inhabit many clones and have things like rape and death happen to them, there original bodies/souls would be affected. Same thing within the show, where the stack/soul would hold memories from these events that stay with that person.

Being able to upload the soul through dreams into clone bodies within the cloning centers to animate the clones and use them for various purposes. This as well happened in the show.

The elites would all witness fights to the death with cloned bodies. In the show the humans would fight to the death and than there soul/stacks would be uploaded into cloned bodies and given money.

The one in charge and running the cloning programs are the worlds elites. In the show it was the same exact thing and political leaders and powerful business leaders were behind everything.

The elites and people of power would have access to these bases where they could do anything they wanted and live out any fantasies with these cloned bodies. Things that they couldn't do out in the real world. In the show these elites would go to these special places as well and have the ability to do anything they want to people with the thought that since the stack doesn't get destroyed and thus the souls lives, anything can be done as well (rape/ kill).

The cloned bodies would be used to blackmail people and fake deaths. In the show this happened as well.

Reflecting on what this all means, the elites and reptilians that rule us from the shadows, still have to adhere to the principles of free will and karma. They cant do something without at least directly or indirectly projecting there actions and agendas out into the mass consciousness. If people read these books and watch these movies, its almost as though we are accepting this within our paradigm and allowing them to continue to do these things. One way they choose to do this is through books, like with the initial 2002 Altered Carbon book perhaps and now a more modern version being the Netflix show. So this soft disclosure of there inner most cloning secrets can be seen within this show and many parallels and confirmations can be gleamed from the testimony of Donald Marshall and other researchers in this field.


Thank you for this great discovery! I, too, have never heard of Donald, and although cloning is no new subject, what you have described here are aspects of the subject that I had not come across before! Well done!

Yes i recommend this show if u have not seen it, lots of soft disclosure being disseminated. I need to research more into Marshall, but I do find him very believable and genuine. He presents different points of view on many things we have heard before and might help corroborate other peoples testimonies.

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