World order strained but not broken

in #donald6 years ago

Donald Trump came to office threatening to tear up trade deals, extort payment from US military allies, end the Iran nuclear accord and build a wall on America's southern border.

He ended his first year still contemplating a strike on North Korea, angrily cancelling a planned visit to old ally Britain and reportedly using a vulgar term to refer to African countries.

From day one until day 365, much of Washington's foreign policy community has been aghast and international supporters of rules-based multilateral diplomacy dismayed.

But one year on from Trump's inauguration, the liberal international order remains more or less intact -- though Trump's antagonistic style certainly has not traveled well.

According to a Gallup poll released Thursday, since Trump took office on January 20 last year world approval of US leadership has plummeted from 48 to a new low of 30 percent.

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