It Is Sad, So Sad, Contributed By @Olawalium


I wrote about domestic violence few days ago and going through Instagram today, I read a very touching story and I couldn’t help but feel bad for the lady in question. Domestic violence is real and it hurts me to see it gaining ground every now and then. I wonder what went wrong all of a sudden but then, we are wired differently. Our exposures and background have a way that it will shape us but then, we can choose to be a different person regardless.

This lady chatted her friend up around 7.30am telling her she is just going to bed. It got my attention and you would need to ask what she was doing all night, right? She was practically on her knees beside the bed, begging her husband who gave her a backhand slap for not picking his mother’s call when that woman called her. Wow.

She said the guy was never like that before, so then what happened? I feel the warning signs were there but she just chose to overlook them back then. Apart from the warning signs, she later explained another important factor; money. You can know the true test of a man when he has money and she found out too.


This lady is into fashion designing and for three years when this man was looking for government contract, she will be the one to give him transport fare and also sow nice materials for him so he can at least look presentable where he is going to lobby for the contract. After 3 years of laboring and trying, the husband finally got a contract worth 100 of millions. She felt they have arrived and her years of suffering were over, but how wrong could she be? She got herself into another round, and this time not from lack of money, but from the new man that emerged inside her husband. It was when this money happened, that was when she started receiving belts, slaps and canes.

Yes, I am only advising based on her side of the story because when you ask the husband too, he might have something to say too, but till then, I am advising from this perspective. So, she said she got every kind of beating from any slight provocation and even her parents were aware and have been telling her to leave. She didn’t want to leave because she felt all her suffering and grooming that man into who he is now would have been a total waste. She stayed long enough because she wants to at least be financially okay before leaving so the guy won’t mock her and she won’t feel the need to always run to him for anything.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Hi @olawalium , She has the right to stay with him in his high time as she stayed in his past with him .The lady should not quit it easily. The man why give her slaps, infact he lost his mind having money in hands.

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She has every right to leave because if she doesn't leave, she might leave as a dead person. Her life is more important than anything else.

@olawalium sir!
Ambition, arrogant and rupture makes the person stray from his way. The person forgets the ethics.As the woman's husband got the contract of US $ 100 million, it was natural to have a sudden change in her body language and behavior, because suddenly, if somebody has some great success, then she does not digest her. This is where the rift begins to pique.

Absolutely! Wealth has a way of getting into people's head and you never really know someone's character until you test them with a bit of wealth.

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