He Chopped IT Off! "The Piano" Exists On Many Levels, Said Harvey Keitel

in #domestic-violence7 years ago (edited)

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is a serious topic in Bali and should be discussed all over Indonesia much more, to save women from painful "bruises" and maybe even their lives in serious danger.

I couldn't get my mind off what happened in Bali last week. A "Madman" chopped off his wives legs next to their children.

Bali housekeeper says her husband was drunk when he hacked off her feet. Putu Careen was attacked by her partner last week while she was sleeping. Mrs Careen had her feet slashed off in front of her nine-year-old son at home
She has had multiple operations in the last few days to attempt to save her foot. Doctors are confident her right foot can be saved and she is undergoing rehab.
Source : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4878736/Bali-woman-feet-hacked-right-foot-ATTACHED.html

He hacked her dignity as a woman, a human being!


A very intense scene from the movie

Pure rage? Hate?

Was he on drugs? Is he an alcoholic or just a helpless, weak macho man, trying to control his woman?

It doesn't matter what's the reason behind.
Those women in danger have to be protected!

Their parents, friends, family members and also children need to watch out for signs and speak up. Most people walk away instead of listening to the problems of their daughters, sisters and mothers.

How can you close your ears and eyes?

Stop being silent! Tell your story and this very loud!

Communities need to offer supportive organizations, therapies, help!

Their patriarch societies and senseless rules need to be modernized.


"A wife’s nightmare in Bali sheds light on Indonesia’s hidden domestic violence epidemic’"


In Indonesia last year at least 154 women were violently killed, most commonly by their husbands and partners. In the same year more than 316,000 experienced domestic violence.


The Piano - The movie"

Many things went through my head, still do, so I started watching Jane's story again.

The Piano, one of my favorite movies and actors and would like to share this quote by Harvey Keitel from an interview with The New York Times.

"The Piano exists on many levels. It's a complex text. One of the levels most apparent to me is that Jane has done what I have often seen men do -- i.e., a woman gathering herself up, taking responsibility for herself and her sexual needs and her spiritual needs, and taking action to fulfill herself. That has usually been the domain of the man. Jane has gained access to that domain. It's a man's world. I see it that way. And it's to our detriment that it is so. Jane has struck out in a way that has helped me to come closer to an understanding of myself and woman."

I could write a million of pages on this topic but not today. I am not ready yet!

Follow @mammasitta
Posted by @esteemapp


Dear Silvie, this content touches my soul in a deeply way. In my past I was a victim of domestic violence (my first husband), but fortunately I'm one of the woman that can tell her story because I saved myself and my daughter from that situation. It was so hard, really really hard. Here in Italy there are many (too much) similar facts and many women (and their children too) was hurted or killed. So sad. We are in the 2017 and seems that women still need to have a voice about this situation. Too many women don't have a voice, too many women (here in Italy) live with fear and they don't ask an help. So sad :( I have to say that here in Italy there are also many women that don't understand how difficult is to run away from that situations and this is bad too for the victims that somentimes don't talk about the violence because other people can "judge" them.

@silviabeneforti You did everything right in your ex life. You well decided to left him and save you and your daughter. There is no one Who has the right for domestic violence. If you both(boy and girl) and their family agreed before marriage then why they(husband and their family) do such? It's really a very bad thing in the whole world.

you're right, it's really a very bad thing all over the world...

Yes, We need to solve this problem by supporting the women Who are suffering from violence. And also co-operate with government.

I am so so heartbroken ....nearly speechless .....still!
Maybe one day I will tell my story. I am a survivor as well Silvia
I am so sorry to hear about your tragic experience :(
here is a nice article by @tolarnee you might like : https://steemit.com/poetry/@tolarnee/that-feminist

A big hug, dear Silvie. I've always thought that bad experiences make us strong than others. I also think that (sad, but true) the domestic violence are an universal problem :(

Thank you! Gracie tanto. It still hurts ! I said it many times ...Alcohol is a devil! Diabolo vero!!

You're right, but I think that alcohol is just a part of the "problem", in my own experience alcohol came after the first violences. Alcohol sometimes seems to be an amplifier for bad people, a devil into a devil...

@mammasitta sometimes I wonder what is wrong with these humans, seeing all their craps :( so disturbing :(

Alcohol! Too much of it! Cheap Arak on Indonesia's streets. The worse legal drug ever while Cannabis is prohibited!

They should ban it in real time

not that easy considering the companies who earn big time money on those " legal" drugs and poisons

@mammasitta This post is too informative and I would like to say all the readers of this post that they should resteem this post so that it spread to all the steemians. All videos are eye opener. It has become a very serious problem in the worod. 70% of women are victims of domestic violence in India. 38% of Indian men admit they have physically abused their partners. The Indian government has taken measures to try to reduce domestic violence through legislation such as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005.Every 9 minutes, a case of cruelty is committed by either of husband or a relative of the husband.Cruelty by a husband or his relatives is the greatest occurring crime against women. If other people judge the women then they do not have even the right to live the society. This thing effecting the world badly.

I am so thankful for your words! Yes, more people should spread the word and help women who suffer in silence.

Welcome dear and thanks for sharing.

post of the day. Excellent.thanks for sharing

I am heartbroken and still in shock what happened to Putu and many others.....

i cannot believe that bali such an beautiful place and being such beautiful if people living there are such that they cannot even respect a women.....it is ironical the our country i developing day by day and behind this development women abuses are still growing....... thanks for bringing awareness through such post...now respect for women is should br increased.....

Alcohol is a " Devil" !!! This problem exists worldwide and has nothing to do with Bali and the beautiful people who live there but I have to say that many communities tolerate and look away from the problem to protect who ? ......their men / sons? Its time to protect also their sisters. Its sad that Putu's mother didn't hear her daughters wish to get a divorce. Why NOT? An alcoholic is like a time bomb.

@mammasitta thanks for sharing with us these great series we always need to respect the womens and he knew exactly how to hit a woman, so that the marks hardly showed. He knew how to kiss her , too, so that her heart began to race and she'd start to think forgiveness with every breath. It's amazing the places that love will carry you. It's astounding to discover just how far you're willing to go.

How can a woman forgive when he chopped her legs??? her dignity?

regrets always come after evil deed. And some how it is useless. I was so shocked when I first reading this. When the justice is done right, then it might stopped.

Its too late for Putu :(

In India it is even more worse, domestic violence is seen almost in every home and people always hide it even the victims also. Rapes happen very frequently and government just keeps on discussing the case and do not dare to hang the criminal. All just give their opinions and want to come in the media highlight. Nobody cares about the life of the rape victim. Society does not accept them and in the end they have to end their lives by themselves.

It MUST stop all over the World ! There are no good words for abuse. Not now, never!!! Perfect you bring it under attention.

I was so speechless that I couldn't even write enough about this serious topic. I am actually furious!

I can imagine, I had the same,......

Exultant movie. thanks @mammasitta
have a nice day

Watch it! there is a strong and deep message

OMG what is happening to people :O
"A "Madman" chopped off his wives legs next to their children."
"The Piano - The movie"
I never watched this movie before and definitely I will watch it! No matter religion or law or whatever, if someone suffer innocents for nothing, then we should open our mouths or sometimes we have be little more aggressive as well!
Great article and thanks for sharing with us!


Its tragical because nothing brings back her legs and I can only hope time will heal her wounds and pain.
The movie is deep !

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