An Inquiry into the Freedom of Modern Man

in #dollarvigilante8 years ago

Science gives power to the insightful individual and in return shows impeding futility of economics, and its overdue participation in man's freedom. We are not the same consciousness from centuries past, your average American citizen now has more power than the president 50 years ago. The mere discovery of the individual creating free energy would knock our economic system to pieces and give common man a great leap in freedom, while anarchy takes hold, and greedy billionaires grip over our throat vanishes. That’s the aptitude to which crony business and billionaires position of power has come to. They monopolize earth's resources to then usher their system of globalization. We must become a nation of scientists and renounce our business practices. As of last year, humans are using more resources than the earth can replenish and the planets distribution of resources among its terrestrial inhabitants is massively unequal. Get with the picture America, Russia is already posing. Modern economics is no longer a true science. It is the study of red tape. Businessman today do not study the free market and its invisible hands, they rather study the chains shackled upon them. Our Keynesian model, far outdated to natures flux. Tell me fellow businessman.. What inspires you? The businessman will say money. For the scientist, it is much different. They do not live their lives obsessing over fluctuations of fraudulent currency. Tell me fellow scientist.. What inspires you? The scientist will say truth. In order for them to progress in their field, they must obsess over absolute truth. Business and our obsession of money has corrupted our civility. Policing in the U.S. now revolves around revenue-generation, and until that changes--and these official and unofficial quota systems with it--the cycle of violence and resentment will inevitably continue. Imagine if we started looking at policing as a science, instead of a business. The burden falls to physicists, biologists, and chemists. I'm not referring to the drunk 'liberal' college kids taking a class on one of the subject. Instead I'm referring to the mavericks, whose insights push our broken system to irrelevance. I.e. the physicist who created an electric grid for a whole community using red plastic bowls. Or the botanist discovering cultivation apart from cultivating large land masses. And there's thousands more of these mavericks who are the frontier of humanity. The future does not belong to the businessman, it belongs to the scientists and we must not let them take it away. (Tip to those studying economics- Start focusing on computing/programming, crypto currency will take over fiat currency). It is scientists who will break our IO constraints of merely twiddling our thumbs on a screen, to continue our ascent in evolution and natures flux, while the businessman will sit in the corner still trying to sell us the products from which we have transcended from. If the average human begins to study the world of science, and use it practically, we will begin to heal as a species. Because at that point the average man will not need to rely on government regulated commerce and trade in order to function and survive. He can make his living through his own commerce and scientific insights. Politicians can't fix this country, but you can. Do your own research. Grow your own food. Trade goods and services instead of using money. Make friends with people of different races and religions. Modern business wants to divide us. The reality is we are all connected. Every single country sees the impending turmoil of what's to come, no country is above this situation. We are all in this together. All anyone truly wants and needs is energy, clean water and food. With cultural emphasis on reproduction the war on global sustainability for humans may have already been lost.

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