Please stop crating your dog or tying it up in the yard

In Thailand just like many other places in the world it becomes fashionable to buy designer dogs such as Chihuahuas and Pomeranians. The looks so cute in an Instagram post and then once the new owners have done this a number of times they come to the realization that this living being actually takes a lot of work. They are small, sure, but they chew up stuff, bark at things, and will use the bathroom inside your house if they are not trained otherwise.

People like this really shouldn't have dogs at all and I find it really upsetting when I see the sorts of conditions that a lot of these animals end up living in. The training of a dog, really any dog, requires a lot of work and if the owners are not prepared and aware of how difficult this can be it is truly shameful that they take on the handling of a creature that lives for a decade.

The solution that a lot of irresponsible dog owners come to in Thailand and many other places around the world is to have the dog spend most of its life inside of a crate.

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People who subject their dogs to a life like this normally do so because the dog goes mental any time that it is let out of the crate but this is a self-perpetuating problem because of course the dog is going to go mental once released from its prison. The behavior will not change by increasing the amount of time that it spends in the cell. The dogs will also resist using the bathroom for as long as possible because animals tend to not want to lie in their own filth, but eventually they are going to have to relieve themselves.


However there is a flip side to this and I don't want to shame anyone who has taken on a pet that they find themselves incapable of caring for. After all, i was once guilty of this many years ago when I got a Dalmatian because it was cute when I was in my 20's. I was also in college and had a full-time job. Dalmatians need a lot of exercise and unbeknownst to me, they are considered one of the more difficult breeds. Instead of keeping her in a crate all the time she instead tore up my apartment and irritated my neighbors with her constant barking. I found her a new home rather than continue this accidental abuse. It was completely stupid for me to even try to take this on and it was a spur of the moment decision.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have taken on a dog that you are incapable of taking care of I am not trying to suggest that you are a terrible person - MANY people have done this, including me. The rescue centers and volunteer organizations like our own exist all over the world and they are not going to hassle you for needing to offload your dog on someone else. Quite the contrary actually: We exist for many reasons and one of those reasons is to help to find the best home possible for animals.


This is not a life for a dog. This is being held captive and in many parts of the world it is actually illegal and you can get in a bunch of trouble for doing it. Organizations like Krabi Animal Welfare are more than happy to help you find a more appropriate home for your pet if you find yourself in a situation where you can not take care of your dog any more (or perhaps you, like I was in my 20's, never were capable of looking after it.)

So if you or someone you know is in a situation where a pet is forced to live in captivity or on a leach in the backyard, please seek out the help of volunteer organizations like our own. We need to keep in mind that these are loving, living creatures, not fashion accessories and they should be treated as such.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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