During rainy season 7-11 is a hotspot for homeless dogs

You don't really notice exactly how many homeless dogs are there happen to be in your neighborhood (in Thailand) until rainy season comes along and the animals can no longer just perch wherever at night and then hang around markets for handouts of food during the day. As tough as their lives are they become even more difficult during this time of year because they don't really have a home and whatever place they kind of called home is probably waterlogged and food-less.

7-11's are basically everywhere in Thailand and there is a steady stream of people going in and out, many of which are willing to provide food for the furry pals that await outside.


If there was ever a time that the stray dog population becomes even more noticeable it is this time of year. It is estimated that there are nearly 4 million homeless dogs and cats in Thailand and no, I have no idea how they come up with that number and it could totally be made up... but it is evident that there are a lot of them.

The good news about these dogs at 7-11 is that they tend to be quite friendly but that isn't always the case


Just like any animal in the world, when food becomes scarce, competition for what remains can become a fierce battle and the various packs that occupy this 7-11 or that are not always terribly welcoming of a new addition. There have been many occasions where the staff had to chase all the dogs off because they were constantly kicking up a fuss outdoors on the stoop. As far as I am aware there has only been one instance of one of these dogs attacking a person and the report on that is mixed. One side of the story says that the child was taunting the dog with food and the other says that the dog just attacked the kid for no reason. My money is on the story about the kid taunting the dog.


SO no matter what part of the country you are living in you are going to see a mass migration of dogs towards 7-11 this time of year and for us, this is actually a good thing because we are able to discover new packs that we didn't know about previously and one by one we categorize the dogs and back when we had money, we would pick up the females for sterilization.

In the past it was also a great time for us to have fundraisers but of course since there are no tourists now this is a bit of a lost cause. We have little donation boxes on the counters and we ask the staff to point it out to customers but I doubt they ever actually do so.

We continue to do what we can. For the time being I am just happy that 7-11 doesn't have a policy of making the dogs move on because except for the one time that I really believe was the child's fault, they don't both anyone.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



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