My Dog's Weird Problem

in #dogs8 years ago

OK so this is the thing, my dog clearly has this weird issue at night when he sleeps. Well is it a issue really? I thought I would maybe get some feedback here.

His name is Rocket a 1 year old South African Africanis Landrace .

The Africanis is a landrace of South African dogs. It is believed to be of ancient origin, directly descended from hounds and "free ranging" dogs of ancient Africa. Africanis is also an umbrella name for all the aboriginal dogs in southern Africa. The Africanis is a short-coated, medium-sized dog, well-muscled and slightly longer than tall. It can be of any color and occasionally comes with a ridgeback. Africanis dogs are generally very friendly and highly trainable. This Breed has no real health issues and make loyal family companions. In closing; "It is my experience that the Africanis is a marvelous pet and house dog. Guided by its instinct of subservience it will steal your heart before you realize it."

Johan Gallant, President of the Africanis Society of Southern Africa (September 9, 2005).

So here it is, he wets the bed every night! It is driving me completely insane! I seriously need help with this because searching online has not helped and I figured it would be a useful topic.

I must be honest this might partly be my fault to a degree and I feel I should possibly have spoiled him less. But this is the thing. When I found Rocket as a homeless street puppy he was very very ill. He was seriously malnourished to the point were he couldn't walk, stand or even lift his head. We nurtured him over the next month back to health best we could.

Here are the first pictures I took of him. I don't know why I didn't take pictures sooner but these were taken roughly three weeks after we found him.

Rocket looking much better now!

We kinda fell into the habit of letting him sleep in the bed with us at night, It was a trap I tell you! After six months I realized our 25kg Rocket was just getting a little bit to big and his habit of stretching out like a long slinky thing with his ridiculous stilts taking over the entire bed was just getting ridiculous. We call his legs stilts because he went through this ridiculous stage as a puppy when his legs were so disproportionately long in relation to his body we needed to put his food bowl on a step. It was like trying to sleep with a big kid in the bed that was on a hell bent mission to keep myself and my wife at least one meter apart at night. Ever woken up with your best friends paw in your mouth? I have :-) Tastes like Frito's Chip's Mmnnnn.

At this point I build an extension to the bottom of our bed and made his sleeping area at our feet. Unfortunately by the time I was finished he didn't quite fit anymore! Every time we told him to get into bed he would moan, groan and protest profusely...

I don't think I could blame him...

Some more pictures of me.

This is when the problem started. Instead of forcing the bed issue I removed the bed I had made for the bottom of the bed and bought a nice comfortable dog bed I put in a cozy spot in our room. My new strategy was tough love! After not sleeping properly for three moths I couldn't handle it anymore. I was going to kick him off the bed at night and let him realize his only choice would be to sleep on the new bed.

So it began, the nightly madness and bed wetting nightmare I am dealing with. I have come to now realize he only wets when I try and move him or kick him off our bed mostly. You must understand something, we kick him off and he is such a slinky sneaky thing he will morph back onto the bed without you even realizing. It's a very impressive and completely useless skill!

Whatever it takes.....

So in summary I suspect he is wetting to try and tell me something .... Like he is marking his territory and making it his own space because I am messing up his chi by moving him. After all wouldn't you be pissed " pun intended" if all of a sudden I said to you.... No! Go sleep on the floor.

Please if anyone has some good advice or has dealt with this before I would really appreciate the help! Thanks for reading I am hoping to get some good advice.

P.s He eats like a horse! I will we be dedicating all the funds from this post to my Rocket fund for his therapy issues and food! Thanks for reading much appreciated.

Rocket on Steemit

Special Thanks
@patrick-g Thank you for your great advice and support! I m a good web developer, however writing is not my strong point so I wrote about what came easy to me :-)
Also @bitminter for pushing me to put myself out there. I am falling in love with steemit and will continue to try doing my best around here. Thank you!


Rocket is gorgeous!
I may be able to help you.
Did something happen to him when he was 20 months old?
Out while you were walking him?
You may not remember, but I think that may have been the trigger for Rocket to start wetting his bed when he is separated from you.
I don't charge anything for animal sessions, so you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain for Rocket.
Cheers :)

Hi Rosemary,
Rocket only just turned 1. He has had no injuries, I know of apart from starvation before he was found.
Thank you very much for the link and support, much appreciated.

I did wonder about the age... Anyway, I'm here if you need me.
Give Rocket a hug from me :)

Cute puppy :)
Welcome Rocket here your bounce hope you do more posts about self :)

Stay posted the life adventures of Rocket coming soon! Hahaha Thanks appreciate it!

Wow, guy's I have no words to express how I feel. Let's put it this way... I feel so blessed today after seeing the response I have had on this post. I have been trying to figure out what to write for day's now with no clue. This steemit just happened and felt so natural and I really enjoyed myself. Thank you to everyone for your support and the creators of steemit. May this comment become permanently embedded in the steemit block chain as a testament to it changing our lives! Thank You!

Well done @virtashare I absolutely loved the post! Keep up the great work I hope you get a ton's of up-votes and I am looking forward to reading more of your content. Give Rocket a pat on the head and say hi for me. Cheers and good luck!

Crate training helps a lot. Dogs generally don't want want to pee in their den. Our dogs are trained to "go to bed". We do let our dogs sleep with us on weekends sometimes, but it's a treat not the norm. If he is drinking a lot of water before bed that may be it. It may be that he isn't getting it all out. It could also be more serious, maybe a UTI or something. I'm not a vet though. I'm just dealing with a 14 year dog that is doing the same thing.

His eating and drinking habits appear to be fine. What I suspect might be happening is he has just kinda figured out how to lift his leg and maybe he is holding it in because instinct is telling him to mark territory and he hasn't figured it out yet. Dog's are sometimes known to hold in urine simply for the purpose of marking territory. Well just a educated theory after much googling. Thanks for the comment :-)

He thinks he is the boss, when in reality he is just a big Teddy Bear!

He looks like yoda, just saying :-) There are many of them similar up here in Johannesburg. We call them village dog's.

Your dog is fab, inspires me to write about my pets someime in the future

Hey, Please do I would love to read your story. Our pet's have so much to offer in such a positive way.

I will write but om a later daye ))) For now you can still read my nice wine guide )))

Awesome cant wait!

Hello @virtashare I also have a dog name fangee and like rocket she also pee inside the house. What we did is we thought her a lesson, we let her smell and tasted her pee and later on she learn not to pee inside the house anymore.

I have tried rubbing his nose in it but to no avail! He really is a mischief lol

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