10 Reasons Why Dogs Howl

in #dogs6 years ago

Are you curious to know why dog howl and why they howl mostly at nights? Actually, dogs howl is their natural mode of communication. Also, there are some other reasons, about dog howl, but the most accepted belief is, "dogs are successor of wolves and they carry a couple of wolves’ characters and howling is one of them". There are some other concepts also, regarding dog howls like,

  1. Vocal Communication
    Wolf howl in the wild is their natural way of vocal communication. They howl to send a message to their separated pack members to inform about their presence and current location. This method helps them to find each other. And the dogs had inherited this behavior from their ancestors. Though this way of communication can be the one reason, but there are a couple of other reasons also when a dog can trigger howl

  2. Territorial Presence
    The territorial conduct of the dogs is another inherited character from wolves. Dogs are also territorials like wolves that live in a pack and defend their boundary. When they observe or suspect, if member from other packs are encroaching their boundary, they trigger a howl to warn that member and to inform his own pack members about this movement.

  3. Separation Anxiety
    Dogs are naturally pack animals which have a strong sense of separation anxiety. When they feel separated from their pack, or any member from their pack is missing. They trigger howl to send a message to missing member which has a meaning "I am here, where are you"? Similar behavior is observed in stray dogs, when they found them-self separated from their pack or they observe any pack members is missing, they do howl.

  4. Separation Anxiety for Owner
    Dogs are a loyal, affectionate and emotional companion, which are deeply attached to their owner and family. For the situations when they feel separated, they make a howl. Normally when you take your dog to a new place, you can notice till the time you are around the dog will enjoy his new abode. But when you will leave him alone, he will feel separation anxiety and may start howling.

  5. Attention Seeking
    Dogs are always keen to get your attention and tender. When they lack physical exercise or feel nervous, then they need your more attention and sometimes they make different tricks to get your attention. But if their need is not getting fulfilled, they can reflect behavioral problems. That can be mild howl which is their natural way to request for your attention.

  6. Isolation distress
    If a dog is left alone for a long time he may feel isolated and can go for unusual activities. Many people have complained, when their pet dog was left alone at home for a long time he teared up furniture, soil the carpet. Also, they may get a neighbor complain about dog howling and making noises. Actually Isolation anxiety is a common issue for all the dogs and they will start behaving in unanticipated manner and howl.

  7. Success and Excitement
    When dog achieves success or they feel excited, then they like to demonstrate their achievements to their own to get praised. But if they won’t get their owners around then they make howl to call him, because howling is their natural mode of vocal communication.
    Also, you have observed, usually hunting dogs howl when they detect an object or get success in the hunt. They just feel excited and like to reveal their success to get appreciation and start howling to call their owner.

  8. Medical Issues
    Sometime dog howls when they are sick or something is physically wrong with them and they are suffering from internal pain. You might have observed the stray dogs howls when they have accidental injuries. So if your dog is howling consistently, then you need to check if that has no any physical injuries or they are not sick. And if the dog has no any visible injuries, then you need for a vet visit.

  9. Feeling Upset or Irritated
    If your dog is feeling annoyed or saddened then he can make howl. Like for some dogs, music of the mouth organ instrument is an irritating noise and when they listen that consistently they trigger howl. Also, there are a couple of other sounds that can make them annoyed like alarm clock, electronic beeps and sirens.

  10. To response high pitched noises or sounds
    If you will make a howling sound, then it’s possible that your dog will also start howling or when one dog start howl then other dogs will also start howling. Some people consider it may be a natural pattern for dogs of response. But the reason is some specific high pitch sounds can trigger howls of dogs. Some examples are dogs start howling when they hear sirens or some specific sounds like ambulance, fire brigade and some musical instruments.

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