I have been Attacked and Mauled by Dogs over a half Dozen Times in My Life...Here's What You Do to Survive/Avoid an Attack

in #dogs6 years ago (edited)

Well, I remember my first attack when I was 14 years old. You see I have been a Runner participating in 5K and 10ks plus Cross Country and Track since I was like 9 years old. And I was always running in neighborhoods with many dogs prevalent.

My First Dog Attack...

But this attack when I was a freshman in HS was totally unprovoked. Our neighbor down the street had a pit bull. The Pittie came up seemingly nice enough as I was going on an afternoon run.. I reached down to pet him. Then about 5 seconds later after I turned he lunged and bit in my butt. I jumped up on a fence until he walked off.

And the Story Goes On...

So throughout the years I have been attacked at least 6 other times that I can count (on Runs). Most drawing blood. And at least another dozen times I had to fiend off some viscous ones without any physical engagement
I learned to NEVER turn your back on a threatening dog no matter what. And stand your ground and many times when I spread my arms out the dog backed off. This motion makes you look bigger than you are and tends to scare many dogs off.


This is a decent short video by a former Navy Seal giving a person instruction on how to avoid and survive a dog attack. Good stuff.

Robert Andrew


Wow you’ve been attacked a lot Robert. When I lived in the city and walked a small dog I had at the time, dogs would come out from various houses and bark and run towards me. Because I didn’t know what to expect, before the walk I wrapped a small chain around my hand . I was ready to hit any offending dog on the nose. Luckily, at times it was close but I never had to use the chain. A walking stick would be a good defence too.
One time a large dog( part German Shepherd) came charging towards us with teeth bare. He was within an foot when the owner called him and he stopped in his tracks and went back to the house.
These neighbourhood dogs never came out unless I had my dog with me.

It happened in childhood. I learned fast running from dog chase !

Yeah, for some reason I was around some of the worst dogs growing up.

I remember my last one was about 8 years ago. It was at a Park in Palm Spring. California. Some little yorky type dog came running from behind I just shooed him away. Not before it sunk his little teeth in my calf. And the blood starting running down my leg.

Of course it was not life threatening or anything bad being such a little dog. But he seemed really aggrresive and 'off the hook' so to speak. So I made the Owner who wasn't using a leash at the Park go back home to retrieve the dog's papers. Wanted to make sure he didn't have Rabies or something.

Anyway, as always @redheadpei much appreciated for you stopping by and leaving a Comment of substance :)

I've only been bit once and it did put some fear into me with dogs. There are just so many irresponsible dog owners that don't restrain their dogs properly. My old neighbors were into drugs and had 2 pits and 3 little poodles. The poodles belonged to the neighbors mother who was much older and nice. The pits killed the poodles and were always jumping the fence and going after people. The mom died and the kids moved after one died from overdose. Was so happy to see those dogs and those people go. I couldn't let my kids out to play in our yard for 10 years..not kidding..it was that bad. If we could've moved we would have. Now there are four pits in the neighborhood that continually get out. Not picking on pits as I blame the owners but it is what it is. This one was in my yard a couple weeks ago.

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