Boxer Puppy Brothers

in #dogs6 years ago (edited)

We were out eating Sunday evening at our favorite hamburger joint when we came upon these cute white Boxer puppies. They’re brothers and their older dog friend was with them assuring they will be well trained by a more mature canine.


The Brothers...aww so sweet.


Older wiser companion, very sweet dog.

Many of you know we have a female white Boxer dog named “Lola” who is now 7. These two brothers were about her age and size when we brought her home. We reminisced about Lola’s baby years while devouring our double mushroom Swiss cheeseburgers and fries with a Root Beer. We had ice cream with chocolate syrup for desert. It was yummy!


Lola approves!




You can tell that they had a good time, it seems very interesting to me as you narrate everything you live with your loved ones! regards

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double mushroom Swiss cheeseburgers and fries with a Root Beer. We had ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert.

Oh, yummy! I haven't had that in years. Come to think of it, I haven't had beef in years. Beef in Central Amerca is not what it is in North America and since I had my gall bladder removed, I can't eat beef!

I must confess, the ice cream is my favorite part of the meal. Always! It’s a special treat for us. 🐓🐓

Adorable pups! All feet and ears... Their mentor looks to have them well in hand. Sounds like a fun as well as a tasty outing.

I think the pups had more ice cream than we did. They are going to be a spoiled rotten pair! How are you doing, I know it’s only been a few days, just like to see how you are progressing. Is your PT helping with your movement? Hope so! 🐓🐓

Yeah, it's hard not to spoil puppies. Lol!

Starting therapy tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait! Right hand needs the most work. Driving me nuts trying to type normally. Got to get up to snuff for busy spell coming soon!

At least you are trying to type. Many would give up right away. Once you get some good excercise tips things will most likely progress quickly. Don’t wear yourself out. ❤️🐓🐓

The brothers are adorable, I imagine they brought back memories. I love the puppy stages and can still smell puppy breath from my little girl when I reminisce.

That’s what I said! Puppy breath. Haha. Nothing like it. 🐓🐓

The white dog is adorable really suits you maxim with you, I have read and vote your article I also interested to write about my pet cat, I thank you for you I can idea for the future post

So cute!!! 😍

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