Some rainy meals for the temple animals

in #dogslast year

Krabi has very unpredictable weather. While it is technically somewhat cyclical as far as yearly rain patterns are concerned we are always in danger of getting hit with crazy storms that don't seem to end.

Thankfully for our temple dogs there are plenty of places for them to lie low and stay out of the rain and we also have a bunch of minders there in the form of monks and nuns that help us to make sure the dogs and cats remain fed, no matter what the weather is like.


The dogs at the Tiger Cave Temple in Krabi are better looked after than most other strays in Thailand and a lot of this has to do with the rather high-profile status of this temple since it is one of the largest in the country and experiences a lot of tourism with both Buddhists and non-Buddhists.

During the rain the staff do not try to get the dogs out of the covered areas although a line is drawn where they are not allowed into the religiously important areas like the Tiger Cave itself. The dogs are not mistreated to encourage this behavior but instead are just never fed if they turn up there and are ushered away by the people who live and work there.


While we at Krabi Animal Welfare do leave it up to the monks and nuns for the most part, we do turn up from time to time just to check on all the animals and also make sure that the staff have enough food for all the dogs. As I have mentioned many times before, it is a tradition in Thailand to drop unwanted dogs off at temples so there is always a chance that some mystery new additions are going to pop up in the night.


When it rains, and it has been raining a lot lately. The dogs and especially the cats will retreat to certain areas and remain there while they wait it out. For anyone out there that has an animal that absolutely loves water, this is not a feature that any of the animals here at Tiger Cave Temple seem to possess.


Hunger is a pretty strong motivator in dogs particularly though, and when the hear our truck pull up they will come running even if it is raining.


There are quite a few animals that call the Tiger Cave Temple home and while the living conditions are not ideal, it is better than being completely homeless and until adoptions start picking up again - which is something we constantly wish for - this is really the best we can do. We keep the fed, we keep them reasonably healthy, and we monitor their numbers and get newcomers sterilized so we can prevent and explosion of the population which will happen in any unsterilized packs of dogs anywhere in the world.

So when the rain comes, we do not stay away, we just have to adjust our strategy a bit. The dogs in this compound have always had their lives be this way, so I don't think many of them really mind that much.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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