Mae: The well-behaved cancer patient

in #dogs2 years ago

Dogs get cancer just like people do and mostly the owners don't even know about it until it is too late. Thanks to Krabi Animal Welfare we were able to discover this before it got out of control when we were taking her in for sterilization. This is yet another reason to get your female dogs sterilized because there have been dozens of female dogs that we have brought in for sterilization that we discovered during the surgery that there were other issues that more often than not, is not discovered until it is too late for anything to be done about it.


Mae is a temple dog and has at least one litter of puppies that we are aware of. Because of the time that she spent at the temple she is accustomed to being around people and was always a very friendly dog that would approach us for us to give her snacks and love. We took her in because we can't just have these dogs replicating like mad in an environment where the dog population is already at critical mass. Fertile female dogs will have a litter of puppies at least once a year in this sort of situation and if you can do some math you realize that if we didn't intervene, the population would grow wildly out of control in just a few years.


Chemo for dogs is a lot easier to administer than it is for people. It is also significantly cheaper. Each treatment costs around $20 and of course this has a lot to do with the economy of Thailand and how if it cost more than that, nobody would get it done. Mae didn't seem to have any adverse reaction to the treatment, and the really great news is that according to the veterinarian, the cancer has disappeared.


We have since taken her back to the temple where she was greeted by all of her children and friends... and a few monks that were happy to see her as well. She is a bit of a superstar there as she is a standout as far as friendliness is concerned. The monks give her special attention now that they know she is a cancer patient and thus far everything looks to be as though it is running smoothly.


All of this was possible because of our generous donors from around the world. We are a non-profit charitable organization after all and we were just really happy that we had the money at the time in order to help Mae out. The 3 treatments cost around $60 or so and while it seems silly that an organization wouldn't be able to come up with this much, it has been a tough couple of years for us financially. I hope we never encounter a situation where we have to simply not treat a dying dog because of financial reasons.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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