2 more potential Mama's in for vaccination and sterilization

in #dogs3 years ago

If you live in this part of the world and I would say especially in Thailand, you notice a lot of stray animals and cute little puppies running around just about everywhere. While it is cute, the situation is actually quite dire. Most of these puppies will live their entire short lives on the street and many of them are abandoned by their mothers or starve to death when their mother is struck by a car or poisoned by locals.

This is less of a problem near temples since these areas tend to have dogs and cats that are at least somewhat looked after by the monks and due to our limited funds these are the areas we focus on the most.

We picked up two more females the other day that we had never gotten around to before but was pointed out to us by a local.


I'm gonna go ahead and admit that it is a little frustrating: We have been doing this for years yet we see new puppies all the time but I try to keep my head above water and simply realize that this number would be much much larger if we were not here doing what we do. The problem was simply allowed to get too far out of control in Thailand for a few years to make any sort of noticeable change and this is something that larger animal-welfare organizations like The Soi Dog Foundation and Lanta Animal Welfare have been doing for far longer than we have and they are also based on islands, yet they still have a stray dog population.

I can only imagine how bad the overall situation would be for stray dogs if they and us were not involved in what we do.


The good news is that these two were in relatively good health and appear to be getting enough food. It was an added bonus that they were quite friendly towards humans so it was quite easy to get them into the kennel for transport. They did have some level of parasite presence on their bodies, but it wasn't out of control like in a lot of the other situations we encounter. We hang on to them for a couple days after the sterilization operation, and then place them back exactly where we found them.

Just so anyone out there is aware: We do check with the locals when we find these sort of situations to ensure that no one thinks we are stealing dogs. If we do find the owner, we ask permission before taking them away for this operation. Thus far most people that we have encountered that were "owners" only did so in the sense that they feed them else they wouldn't be wandering around the way they are. In more than 90% of the situations, no one really considers the dog to be "theirs" they just look after it a bit every now and then.

14.jpg at the vet, awaiting surgery

The importance of sterilizing animals is absolutely paramount in places like Thailand that have no animal control because these two females can produce a litter every year and then their offspring end up doing the same thing and this is how we ended up with the crisis that Thailand faces in regards to strays in the first place.

For every female that we sterilize, we are preventing the inevitable suffering of dozens or perhaps even many more offspring.

It is frustrating to see new batches of street puppies every time we go out, but we have to stay positive and realize that if it was not for our and many other organizations' efforts, the situation would be far worse than it is.

Once again I want to remind everyone to adopt pets, not shop for them and to volunteer your time, money, or both to your local animal shelter or animal rescue. I can assure you that every single little bit of help is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



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