Our Dogs - Lazing Away the Winter

in #dogs7 years ago

Buttercup, Hank, Jack-jack,
Merle, Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson,
Emma Jane, Chico Rico, Blossom

We have had some really nice days and some really shitty, cold days. On the warm days, like the 80 degree F day we had just yesterday, the dogs spent most of their time outside. On those bitterly cold days, they all stay within 3 feet of the wood stove; some even sleeping under it!

12 year old Jack-Jack and 18 month old Blossom

Jack's "alert" look. He was actually telling me it was time to let him lick the bowl!

Emma Jane and Willie Nelson hanging out at the river

Chico Rico was napping when I caught this view of his chompers.

Emma Jane doesn't like Buttercup and bites her face every time she gets too close. This time Buttercup was in Sean's lap and Emma didn't like it!

Everyone else is doing great. I think they're all a little anxious for spring, just as we are. I got them a Sumo chew toy to hopefully give them something to gnaw on that isn't ours. I don't know if they've played with it or not, but this week has been incident free...fingers crossed it lasts. The last thing they at was our remote to our Amazon Fire box and those damn things are $30 each!!! Thankfully there's an app we downloaded that turns your phone into the same remote. So we are surviving. Haha!
Thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned for more!

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That’s quite a pack! Are these rescue dogs?

Some of them are. Others are from unwanted litters of pups that were being given away.

I had the chance of spending eight months with this buddy last year. became my best friend. Rescue dog from NY who ended up in Paris. My first encounter with a pitbull. He was amazing I miss him IMG_5076.JPG

What a handsome boy! They truly touch our lives, don't they?

They do, his joy of the walks outside, the way he greeted me and curled up beside me. His eagerness to do right, its all very moving

His name is Joshua btw. Now that Ive introduced him :)

How sweet! That's a great name! Dogs are amazing creatures. Thanks so much for introducing yours!

heeee... what an awesome pack you have there.

Thanks so much, @fraenk! I love my furbabies.

I have my hands full with just one. I can't imagine nine!

Honestly, once you get to this point...it isn't about training individual dogs. It's training the pack. Once the majority of the pack has the idea down, the rest follow.
If we could break them of losing their shit every time someone drives up, that would be heaven.

Ahhh, that makes sense! Good luck with the 'alarm system'. That's a tough one!

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