Life Of A Traumatized Dog !

in #dogs7 years ago

Everyone will feel happy, sad and all the different emotions and feelings. For example, a conversation about planning a special day with your family can wake up nice feelings about other past experiences and will create excitement for the new ones, but a dog will not understand that.

It is the same with trauma…like humans, dogs are all different and will respond to different situations in different ways. For example, some dogs can deal with trauma and seem completely fine, but some can’t, and sometimes with a situation not related to the trauma..the dog “loses it”.

Same goes with the severity of the reaction, some dogs are badly affected, others just slightly affected and some dogs do not seem to be affected at all, there is no possible way that we can generalize and say all dogs respond the same.

It is sad to say, but not all dogs start life with a good beginning, and for some, it can be more than simple neglect. It can be a dog abused or mistreated and this can have consequences in the dog behaviors, the social skills, and the way how interacts with people.

You can also read Dog behaviors after boarding

Bringing home a traumatized animal

If you know up front your new pet has a traumatic background, you should make the transition as comfortable as possible. Try to create a routine with simple things like feeding it at the same time every day, giving it space for the most part and, if you have children, make sure they don’t overwhelm the dog… at first can make a big difference.

Do the introduction to other pets slowly, not all at once, and if noises seem to upset him/her, keep the volume to a minimum until the dog adjusts.

Animals adapt very easily to the external environment, so many will adjust with nothing more than a loving and supportive environment. But if the trauma is severe, it will be better to use the professional intervention of a certified animal behavior that uses positive methods of training.

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