Zoonosis: When A Dog Kiss Can Do More Harm Than Good
It’s good to give hugs to your pets, but avoid giving kisses. Kisses seem kind, but dogs have filthy mouths. It is critical to remember that dogs like to eat from garbage cans, drink from toilet bowls, and love to smell and licking some of their body parts. There is an old wives tale that says that the mouth of a dog is cleaner than that of a human. That way of thinking can put you and your family at risk of contracting a zoonotic disease.
A dog kiss can put you at risk of getting infected with one of the following conditions:
(1) Campylobacter ( a bacteria that produce food poisoning)
(2) Giardia ( a bacteria that produce severe diarrhea)
(3) Salmonella
(4) Meningitis
So, please remember that is better be safe than sorry.
Jose Feneque, DVM
(404) 366-4370
hahaha its amaizig man...
thanx fro upvote me @fenequendvm sir...i also followed u and upvote u on ur posts and i will always upvote u for more connect with u
Thanks! We are here to help each other.
yes @fenequendvm its really right u thinking is so good thats we are here help to eachother...u r a good man
Very interestin post !
Sinceramente no sabia que era tan extremo!!
Yo tenia un cliente que cada vez tenía una cita en el hospital veterinario se ponía a besar a su perro boxer en la boca casi igual que el tipo en el video.
Oh man.... that looks awful :(. Good to know!!
This kind of behavior is very dangerous for kids under 5 yrs of age and adults with a weak immune system.
I can imagine!!