A good day for Orbit

in #dogs6 years ago

With our little problem child, we take our victories as they come.
Monday evening marked the official '1 full week' point with our new baby boy, Orbit. It has been a struggle to keep the peeing in the house to a minimum, distract him from barking at random noises outside, and the biting...oh, the biting.

Let's get the good news out there, since I'm just over the moon about this:
We had ZERO 'accidents' in the house yesterday! One full day of not cleaning up any pee!

So what's it been like over the past few days since my last post, introducing this troublemaker?

Well, we decided to get our tree up on Saturday, since we were both home all day.
I'm not sure if he was more confused by the tree or the viewing of Nightmare Before Christmas.
It is strange to think this is his first Christmas! It's been a long time since a 'first Christmas' in our house.

We don't buy trees anymore, as I got tired of having to get rid of the thing afterwards. We don't really celebrate Christmas, as a religious thing. We like having the tree in the house and the pretty lights on at night. We do get each other a few gifts (normally, when we don't have the crushing debt of the last few days of trying to figure out why our Moxie was fading...oh, and new puppy bills! haha), but this year, paying the vet bill off before my birthday in March, and making sure we have what we need for Orbit are our gifts.

Well, let's just say it: Orbit is our gift!
(I bought him a new blanket, now that he has his cone off for good, he can snuggle under the covers more.)

Anyway, our tree, once we stopped buying them, started off as cuttings of the random trees growing in really bad places around the yard. As some of them have been left to grow a little bigger, we have had bigger trees each year, just from the random saplings growing up in the driveway or too close to the house.
This year, not knowing how the boy would react, we put it up off the floor, which we've done with the smaller trees in the past), one strand of white lights and only the plastic or paper ornaments. One little birdie up high, and a clip on glitter flower (that I like to wear in my hair sometimes) for the topper.
He hasn't touched it or shown an interest in destroying it or peeing on it!
He's coming around to just sitting and relaxing a bit, but he still has his moments of so much energy he just doesn't know how to expel it, so he bites. He prefers biting a plush toy until he has the ear or arm or tail bit off.

I bought myself a special hard cider I like, that I got one of the local package stores to carry. I had barely had two sips, as Orbit lay next to me gnawing on the bunny tail...
...the next thing I knew, I was fishing the tail from his mouth. It was on it's way down his throat and I basically had to pull it out just before he swallowed it. Which would've been fine, except then he jumped at me to get it back, I turned around to get up and away...and knocked my full glass of cider over and onto the table, wall and floor. So sad.
The day I didn't have to get down on my hands and knees to clean up dog pee ended in me, down on my hands and knees, cleaning up my splurge beverage.

Well, today we are shooting for another indoor pee free day. I'm going out with him in a few minutes for another walk to work on his fear of cars. And we'll continue to work on the biting. He did a lot better yesterday so we just need to keep working on what works!

One last picture before I go
Curious about all the noise Hubs makes in the kitchen when he's cooking, but being good and staying with me, instead of getting under his feet!


Aw, just look at that sweet little face! That sounds like good progress for just one week, and I predict he'll be more than worth it, over the years.

I remember a little from our last puppy. We got her at 9 weeks old and she lived to almost 15, so it has been a long time since a puppy was around. I'm not sure if he'll just grow out of the biting if we just do the best we can until then...I don't want to raise a biter, though. Looking forward to manners class in January! haha

Oh @barracudadiaries, he is SO adorable, I can't wait to meet him in real life in the Spring! Maybe he won't be so 'bitey' when I meet him ;)

No kidding! I'm hoping he's done biting at LEAST by the end of manners class, but I'd love to 'cure' him of it before class even starts. haha...at least we have a professional stepping in soon. He really is very sweet and full of energy, it's just so hard going from geriatric friend to toddler so quickly.

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