Not a very good ending of the weekend :(

in #dogs7 years ago

Less than a day, as we drove with our dogs in the forest and rejoiced that our old dogs feel good. And at night a misfortune happened - the old Labrador Einstein had a heart attack.

The vet did all the necessary injections, but it does not get better ... I'm going to sleep in a separate room next to Einshtein to help him immediately if necessary.

It's very hard to see how our pets age. Before old age, we are all defenseless, it can not be avoided. It remains for us to do everything possible to facilitate its consequences.


I am sorry to hear of your animal companion. Can you get an acupressure chart and look at the heart meridian line? Acupressure may support him. As an animal communicator he does seem to have stagnation in that meridian. I hope this helps.

Thank you! I'll ask our vet about it

I can only imagine how hard this is. Keep me posted.


A great many humans cannot understand how attached we become to our pets especially if we have had them in the family for a great number of years...I do understand. I hope Einstein recovers soon, if he does not recover, then I wish that he is able pass on without pain and with you nearby for support.

Hang in there. Take comfort in the life you gave them with you. It's evident in the picture above.

I much regret to hear that! Hope he gets well soon!

Thank you. We do our best for him

You're welcome! That's really great! ;)

Sorry to hear this. They look like really happy dogs and I hope he is feeling better soon.

I know your feelings right now.

We've been lucky enough to have had 8 dogs share our lives, we still have 3 of them.

Remember that you gave them good homes and love.

Thank you for your support

I am very sorry to hear of your beloved pets misfortune. I have an old beast that I too worry about day to day. I feel for you brother.

Thank you for your support

As always, please know (even if I am behind on news) you are loved and we all send our love and prayers to your priceless family of fur.

So sorry to hear about that.

Einstein looks like you've been taking good care of him. How old is he?

He will be 13 in July

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