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RE: Things you don't think about when you bring home a rescue dog.

in #dog7 years ago

He is just gorgeous, I love him! I've always had rescue animals (dogs and cats), and wouldn't trade them for anything. We've had a rescue cat for almost 3 years now. Thomas is a "tuxedo" cat (black with the white bib and feet), about 13 years old, and he weighs about 28 pounds - I can't even pick him up, lol. He is terrified of going outside, and has nightmares and abandonment issues. Poor thing, I just love him to death ... and yes, he totally rules our 'roost'!


Too many people buy a pet as a fashion item, paying stupid money to breeders while a rescue pet is a far better option.

I totally agree with you. There are so many pets who need a home and some love - and one of the saddest things I've seen is how many older/senior pets are at the shelters, waiting for someone to adopt them. Thomas was on his last days when I got him. Because of his age and size, no one wanted him.

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