history of dogs

in #dog6 years ago (edited)

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the dog is not an animal like the others. there is between man and him a tenderness and a complicity which have never been denied during the centuries. he is the companion of our promenades, the friend of our children and the guardian of the home . 

    from turbulent Setter to intelligent Poodle to the capricious Dobermans , mastiffs and pinchers you easily find the animal that best suits your character and your lifestyle .

    Whichever dog you choose, whether or not you will be persuaded that you always have a friend who will show eager for your affection Do not spare it, know that for your dog you are the center of existence.  he watches you, watch your slightest reactions and is ready to come to your call,  he will defend you fiercely, maybe clumsily if you have badly trained him, but he will defend you 

    do you know many friends with so many qualities?


         the dog is carnivorous mammal , he is a member of the big canine family despite the considerable differences of certain types , scientists have been able to release a large number of homogeneous characteristics.

 →   his  ancestors

     the origin of the dog is obscure and controversial. He descends from the wolf??

     in support of this thesis , let us note that the couplings between a dog & a wolf gives excellent results, the female dog as the wolf chooses four of her small , the wolf kills the more weakly of her young and keep only four she takes to another place , while the dog  less cruel because domesticated however shows a clear prefference for the nicest ans strongest of the niche

  →  What does it mean

     with serious naturalists it must be admitted that all these examples of "descendent's" are only suppositions and that it is the same for the canine kind as for most other animals: to go back to their origins is almost impossible. one certainty: that every domestic animal has its wild prototype domesticated by man 

 →  Where do the first proofs come from ?

    Of Egypt. as for the cat on the handle of two knives, one in flint (preserved in the museum of Cairo) and the other in ivory (Abeu-Sedan) are engraved scenes representing dogs guarding flocks of sheep, but the dog was in ancient Egypt much more than a servant of the man the papyrus worship him !!  he seems to have also been the "little darling to his owner",  just as some are today ...the Egyptian dog was tonducombed, washed and even tinted .

     IN Greece and ancient Rome the life of dogs was certainly less pleasant than today because they were in charge of the service of the road! Our scavengers could very well take the dog for emblem ... 

 →    the dog and the mexicains

Other use of the dog, the male especially!!! the Mecicans raised huge herds, and the males were very fond of gourmands! Just as we love beef veal or pork ... a big dog show was held at Acolman just like our market of meat and beef 

a thrill runs through your blood? to eat dog looks horrible? and yet so is it nowadays in Manchuria, but rest assured since the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus the consumption of the dog was prohibited 

let's take a last look at the past in the polar regions the presence of dogs was also noted by the early explorers ans Captain Martin Forbisher as he approached the land of Cumberland in 1577 notes that the Eskimos : "....have convertible boats oh skins of  whale and deer skins, their dogs look like wolves except they are black ... the Eskimos tie them to the yoke or necklace as we do with the oxen and the horses  and their train drag the sledge from one place to another over the ice . when they can no longer use them ,they eat them "

you see the dog has a past that fits in the history of the cevilisation i hope to have sufficiently aroused your curiosity because if you like gogs you must know in detail the evolution of these wild animals(down from wolves jackals or foxes!) if their story tempts you here are some names of authors whose excellent works are authoritative in the matter if you liked this article i will be happy to answer your questions the following artices will talk about different breeds of dressage ans hygiene of foods to proscribe and many other topics


Dogs have twice as many muscles to move their ears as humans, if you're looking for unusual facts about dogs!

yes i agree thank you

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