My Dog, Cleo, Passed Away This Morning, Unexpectedly...

in #dog6 years ago


We adopted this beautiful girl from the shelter, 4 years ago, at age 9. She would have been 13 this year in June. She was a very calm dog. Seemed like she came from a very good home - no fear or angst, but the one thing was that she really wanted to be outside and we live in an apartment. I got her for my roommate as his companion, because he is a formerly homeless veteran and he needed someone to take care of. She was a great companion for him.

This week, though, I was staying at my boyfriend's house, taking care of his 3 dogs, 3 giant fish tanks and watering the plants, and so I was not very available. My roommate told me our dog was sick, but I just did not have it in me to put my full concentration on it.

She was throwing up and having diarreha, and yesterday was the first day that I could put my full concentration into the situation. Last night, I got her to eat some chicken and rice and keep it down using prayer and dog-reflexology and I left her sleeping on her bed last night.

When I woke this morning, she had died.

Could I have done something different? I don't really think so. I fed her raw chicken and gave her CBD oil for her lumps and bumps. She did not like to go on walks because she was bow-legged and her hips were displasia'ed but she was a very happy dog. It seemed like her immune system was low because she had a lot of papillomas which seemed to come from being over vaccinated. I could not NOT vaccinate her because of the housing situation we are in. I was praying to God this year that we not have to vaccinate her again because she just could not take it, but because we are in the veteran's housing, they keep a close eye on us and our licenses and all that - constantly doing inspections and bullshit so I had to keep the license - in order to keep the license, I have to send proof of vaccinations, etc. It seemed to be very taxing to her immune system.

She was a great companion to my roommate, but he is about 4-years old when it comes to practical life problems, so yesterday when I was concentrating on her - with prayer and reiki - chicken and rice - and dog-reflexology - it seemed like it was working... we put her in the Mastermind on Sunday as well - and it must have been God's will for her to go - at home.

It was just really weird and unexpected and now I have to take her body to a place and drop it off - because to me her spirit has left it and it is just her meat-suit as the Native American's would say...


Highest Condolences.

thanks @frankbacon~ it's been a very bizarre day

Bacon Bizarre.jpg

Liz and I haven't been able to reach you by email. It keeps sending them back to us. Hope to chat with you soon.

yes I just found out taht my email has been blocked for some unknown reason. Sorry. I also completely forgot about the MM tonite becuase of my dog's death thing. I am sorry.

No worries. Let me know if you'd like to talk.

hey thanks - I am working it out - although I can't sleep - but my old email is working again. Hopefully wednesday I will be able to do the mm.

I think I could help with the sleep. Lemme know.

I did not see this - how could you help with sleep? I actually found that once I made it ok during the day to see her dead face that I could sleep but still interested in your insight.

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I had to FLAG your ASS for posting your ADVERTISEMENT on my post about MY DOG'S DEATH - you INSENSITIVE PRICK - oh and then I reported you to @steemcleaners as well.

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