about good dog

in #dog2 years ago


Our stay in the blog can be more interesting if we understand how the blog works and follow it accordingly.

Last night, I was just running my mine on few thoughts that i have always wanted to mention due to what I have observed lately.

I think what I want to mention now has been discussed by few folks in the time past, I was actually looking for such publications to recommend for reads, but I just can’t find them quickly.

So, I will quickly share this information. It could be a very long text, but I will try to shorten it as I don't even like longer posts.

Unnecessary tagging has repeated itself…and I am not sure many other users like you and I will be comfortable if every user is doing that.

It would be disgusting if the newbies come to copy this lazy acts from desperate users.

So, In this publication I am going to outline some of the things I feel we should remind ourselves again not to use it in this 2023, it would be too early to start with those unproductive acts.

I will give attention to three sensitive topics which include the following:

Unnecessary tagging for attention
Voting of big stakes comment for attention
A beg for vote content
Is it really bad to tag?
Tagging itself is not bad, but it depends on what you are tagging and who you are tagging.

Unfortunately most users still tags the whales and some outstanding orcas on their post even when that post has nothing to do with them but just to seek attention with all desperateness. Admins and Moderators are victim of this too.

And just for the record, this is usually so annoying especially when the tagged account owners see most of these notifications.

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If you can really Imagine for a second what it’s like getting a notification as a big stake every seconds on mention that is not even necessary, trust me, you will understand why they might choose to mute you so that they will never hear from you again.

It is actually a shame that some outstanding users are still practicing this in quest for attention and supports using subtle ways. It is Known, and you are known too stop it !

True, when we all joined the blog, we were more like a novice and we made a lot of mistakes and we were aspiring to be like the most successful users we meet in the blog back then, and some times some of us tag these big accounts. But as time goes by, we began to adjust our actions in other to be better.

Does this rule out the idea of tagging?
No !

When can we tag?
If a user asked you to tag them when you make a post…then you are free to mention them when necessary in your post…,nothing is wrong with that. I have asked a few users to do that some times ago.., I needed that for a reminder.
If you are making a complain about something important, you are free to tag those involved and perhaps SC account if necessary just to alert, for example if you want to report an abuse, you may wish to tag the admins or Moderator of a community as well as the steemit team (SC01 or SC02) for a proper follow up.
If you are making Important announcement or writing a report or News you can tag as well if nessecery, I am not sure there is anything wrong with that. Not the big stakes!
If it was a contest and the requirement includes inviting your friends, then you are free to tag your friends. Talking about this, I see a lot of folks tagging some top users that are not even their friends …inviting them to participate in a contest when they know for real that they haven’t engage in any of those user’s publication before, and so there has never been any communication between both of them before, they just want to seek attention but in a wrong way. Avoid that!
I once saw a user or two inviting SC01,2 and some top accounts in the blog to participate in a contest....can you guess her aim?

The bottom line is “Avoid unnecessary tagging” all the time. Not all users like it..., you will most likely be muted.

Solution ?
Instead of unnecessary or subtle tagging, focus on:

writing some great contents in your blog that you really have interest on…not a forced topic that you don’t have any idea about, it’s obvious you can’t give out anything from there.
Carefully reading other user’s contents and commenting accordingly to the content of that post. You can only comment when you read and understand what you read. Do not comment when you do not understand or have nothing to say at the moment.
I know a user that will mute you once you comment that crap...

Other clues: If you use the #solarsteem25pc among your first three hashtags you may see me coming sniffing.., but make sure you stick to the rules of using that.

And if you use #contest in your first 3 tags , guess who will visit your post..?...that’s right ! The list goes on and on and on….

Maybe if those users really need your content, you can use thier hashtags, they must come around..

Voting of big stakes comment for attention
Is it wrong to vote the SC account comments or replies?

Absolutely, nothing is wrong with this ! You vote when you appreciate information.

Perhaps, you were having a conversation with the steemit team and you like those replies from them, nothing is wrong if you show appreciation through giving of comment votes if you wish. But note, it’s your choice.

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However, something is wrong somewhere when you only concentrate on voting the SC account comment/replies instead of using that steem power to support other useful publications in the blog….

I see a lot of users concentrating on voting all the dolphins/ orca comment or congratulatory message from the SC account to community curators reports….yeah, the aim is obvious, stop that hypocrite, dirty tricks and bribes, it doesn't work !

Most users carry out this practice immediately they drop a new post on their blog to send a signal to SC01 or 2 that they have arrived with a New post.

Use that steem power to support other publications.....

I am not sure the SC account need such votes. It may be wise giving such votes to other accounts for growth. I think they appreciate that the more instead of the desperate subtle tactics to seek for thier attention.

A beg for vote content
I believe and I know why the engagement challenge came up was to encourage engagement and creativities. It was to set a pattern of how this blog is suppose to be busy with “values and engagement’’.

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I can remember in the time past when hashtags were stressed, many communities organized some contest base on some outstanding hashtags like arts, learnwithsteem, news, nature, mytownin10pics…etc….unfortunately, those hashtags are missing apart from the few communities or users who in real life have passion for those things. Let's bring them back !

Most users that were doing arts are no longer doing arts all of a suden. All the interesting DIY, tutorials …, photography..etc, they all add values to the platform, let's bring it back.

Trust me, so many folks out there who are not even steemians can benefit from these contents.

Someone can come into the platform to read that, they can use it for a research in schools, company…and even projects.

I have actually received a valuable gift before from someone who is not a steemian but a top Journalist because of a long time News I wrote in this blog last year. He came across it using the google search option.

What's my point? We can make this blog a research ground for researchers, It can be a ground for a lot of values.

There are a lot of creative topics that can really add value which we can use and not necessarily those beg for votes topics, go for it !

I still have more points or tricks I would have loved to mention....., but maybe that is a discussion for another day.

Stop the desprate tactics, focus on your blog with creativities!!

This post is open for a discussion, what are your thoughts on this? Do you have more suggestions or observations?

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