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RE: Our Dog.

in #dog8 years ago

Gorgeous boy! Good on you for teaching him how to be a dog. Some of them never get the hang of it. He's young, he'll mellow.

Just a btw, I've had clients (I'm a pet sitter) who've had some success with Dog Appeasing Pheromones related to fear issues. One little gal was terrified of thunder / lightening storms. We used a bandanna sprayed with the the DAP. She still doesn't like them, but she doesn't go into panic mode anymore. It doesn't work for all dogs, but enough that's it's worth a try.


We've worked with him, taking him into situations where he faces what he's scared of and he is getting better. Taking him on the school run has meant he is is much better around traffic and people. still have to work with him around other large dogs but he is learning.

That's the best way to make his life (and yours) more comfortable. Desensitization is a lot of work. I commend your dedication and patience. They do pay off.

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