Alice: A Dog Who Has Captured My Heart

in #dog7 years ago (edited)

One of my favourite corners of the Internet is the Facebook page of Esther the Wonder Pig. In late 2012 or early 2013 (I forget which), Esther was purchased as a supposed "mini pig" by Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter, a couple who lived in a small suburban home in Ontario, Canada. However, they soon realised that they had been duped. Esther had been bred into existence as a commercial farm pig, who would very quickly outgrow their small house ... and grown she has: her final weight stands at 650 pounds! In the face of this daunting situation, Steve and Derek decided to keep Esther. They ultimately moved to the country and founded an animal sanctuary called Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary (HEEFS) in her honour ... all because they had fallen head over heels in love with her.

I have been following both Esther's page and the HEEFS page since 2014, as their posts always bring me joy. I love reading about each new resident's story. Following their progress as they begin to trust humans again, relax into their new surroundings, and reveal their true personalities, quirks and natural habits is a delight. I just have to take one moment here to highlight the story of Esther's friend Cornelius: a turkey with a heart of gold and one hell of a personality. 😂

The purpose of this particular post, though, is to talk about another resident of HEEFS whose story has captured my heart. Her name is Alice and she is a beautiful, goofy Saint Bernard who was rescued from a Korean dog meat farm at the end of 2017.

Image Credit: Steve Jenkins/Facebook

I wish I didn't have to say this, but given the way the Internet can sometimes be, the first thing I feel the need to state is that the issue of how we as humans have treated animals, the natural world, and the very ecosystems that sustain life as we know it cannot be blamed on any one country or continent (though I feel that Western countries with a history of colonialism have the most to answer for in that regard, if I'm being perfectly honest). It is a matter in which every last one of us is implicated. I'm sad to say that whenever I've seen the issue of dog meat farms highlighted online, there have nearly always been racially abusive comments underneath the post, targeting those who live in countries where these farms exist.

While many non-Asian people feel entitled to pass disparaging remarks, it must be remembered that there are plenty of dedicated, passionate activists on the ground, all of whom are doing amazing work to advocate on the dogs' behalf. Soi Dog Foundation is one organisation which has been renowned for its work in liberating dogs from meat production facilities, as well as providing compassionate education and proposing alternative methods of earning a livelihood to dog meat farmers. To date, they have rescued 16,121 dogs from the meat trade. The dog meat industry is also beginning to die out. According to one study conducted in China in 2016, 69% of Chinese citizens have never eaten dog meat, and of those who did, many of them had only eaten dog meat on rare occasions.

Steve himself addressed this issue in the post where he introduced Alice to his Facebook followers. He wrote:

Alice is a meat dog, having only recently been freed along with 170 other dogs from an intensive meat dog breeding farm in Korea. The farm she came from has since been shut down, the farmer now growing blueberries thanks to the help and guidance of the rescue organisation. Before anyone starts calling names, or making racist comments, I think it’s important to remember that these farms exist all over the world. In their barn it was Alice, in the barns over here it’s Esther. There’s no difference whatsoever. Each and every one of them deserve better than what they were born for, and we’re beyond lucky to have the opportunity to provide it for them.

Image Credit: Steve Jenkins/Facebook

Alice lost both of her ears and had her tail docked in the farm. Steve stated that when she first moved in back in January, she was extremely timid and frightened, "almost certainly because of the unspeakable things she saw/heard before she arrived at our house." However, it did not take long for her to settle in and make friends with the other canine residents, Reuben and Shelby. She was initially startled by Esther's sheer size – as she had never seen a creature quite like her in her life – and I'm sure she was also somewhat taken aback at the sight of a turkey strutting around like he owned the place!

However, this plucky girl has now learned how to feel comfortable and relaxed around all of the HEEFS residents. I particularly love this picture of her with a pig named Tammie. 🐶🐷❤️

Image Credit: Humane Society International – Canada/Facebook

And here she is meeting Esther for the very first time.

Image Credit: Humane Society International – Canada/Facebook

Just look at that beautiful smile!

Image Credit: Steve Jenkins/Facebook

This gorgeous girl has come a long way.

Image Credit: Humane Society International – Canada/Facebook

Image Credit: Steve Jenkins/Facebook

There is one video I love, which features Alice running, barking and enjoying her new garden to the full soon after she arrived at HEEFS. It is simply captioned, "I think she's starting to remember what it feels like to be happy" ... which says it all to me. ❤️ Steemit won't allow me to embed the video, which is slightly annoying, but the link is here if anyone wishes to view it. To keep up with Alice, Esther and their other friends' adventures, follow Esther on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Steve also maintains a Facebook page where he often shares pictures of Alice. I will do another post on Esther (and perhaps Cornelius) soon ... or maybe I will just write about the sanctuary in general. It remains to be seen! 😊

As a side note ... I haven't wanted to delve too deeply into the ins and out of the dog meat trade in this post, because I wanted to focus on the hope and joy that Alice brings, rather than the gruesome details of it all. If you feel that you would like to learn more, some links are provided below.

  • Tackling the Meat Trade – Animals Asia
  • Ending the Dog Meat Trade – Soi Dog Foundation
  • Students Across China Stand Up to Dog and Cat Meat Trade With Moving Poster Project – One Green Planet
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    Growing up. While the Chow Chow dogs are well known for their distinctive blue-black tongues, they’re actually born with pink tongues. They turn blue-black at 8-10 weeks of age.

    So wonderful that you share this story here! I havent heard of them before, but this is so cute and inspiring!

    Oh, Esther's story is amazing! Definitely check out her Instagram or Facebook page, if you are on Instagram or Facebook. 🐷❤️

    I love this story, I didn't knew about this sweet dog, I also love Esther The Wonder Pig ❤ she reminds me the reason of all this activist job 😊💙

    That is a lovely story, I always think its such a contradiction when people celebrate the liberation of dogs from this hell but then go and eat a steak or a pork chop etc. When you consider that pigs are on par if not more intelligent than dogs its really confusing to me anyway.

    Also I was looking at your name, I was like there has to be some Irish in that girl! And there you are, Dublin! Boom first other Irish person I have met on Steemit! Whas de craic?

    Hi @moonunit. Great to meet another Irish vegan. 😊 I agree – depending on whatever culture they grew up in, people put arbitrary labels on which animals are "worthy" of being spared, but the truth is that they are all "worthy" and there's no real difference between killing a dog or killing a pig. They are both sensitive, inquisitive animals with their own personalities and quirks and a desire to live – anyone who has ever spent time around them will know that!

    Totally true, I was doing a canine behavior and training course a few years back and the center had some pigs too, we got to train the pigs to sit and lie down. Once you see that these little chaps are as smart as the dogs that you are working with, in that sense I just cant see how anyone could eat them. All of these people wanted to work with dogs and many worked in rescue etc because they wanted to help and didn't want to see them being abused. But then it was lunch and more than half of the group sat down to eat ham sandwiches. Cognitive dissonance is strong within them.

    Cognitive dissonance is strong within many people, unfortunately. 😕 I can understand why, as I once felt that way myself, but once you don't hold those beliefs anymore, moving through the world on a day-to-day basis as a vegan (with advertisements for meat and dairy blaring out at you left, right and centre) becomes quite difficult. Of course, you would know as an Irish person just how strongly embedded the animal agriculture industry is here, and how many people simply don't want to let go of it and seek a workable alternative, even though the industry is in dire trouble (dairy farmers always seem to be complaining about how low prices are for dairy these days, and how plant-based milks are "stealing" their market) and if it wasn't continually propped up by government subsidies, it would have collapsed long ago.
    It's really frustrating to watch.
    I will definitely do a post on farmed animal species soon, highlighting their true qualities and why they deserve to be treated with respect. I'm interested in highlighting "white meat" animals in particular. I've found that a lot of people I've met will not eat cows, pigs, or sheep, for example, but they feel that chickens and turkeys are okay to eat because they're not as "smart" or "sensitive" as the larger animals... Esther and Alice's friend Cornelius really challenges that assumption with his incredible personality and hilarious behaviour. 😉
    I will try to raise awareness in any way I can.

    Brilliant, tag me when its up and I'll resteem for sure. I just broke 500 followers and I am in a couple of groups too so that might help get some extra exposure for you.

    On the Irish scene, I could not agree more. I have actually stopped listening to the radio on the way to work because of the amount of advertisements and sponsorship of shows that all relate to meat and dairy. Check out a guy called conscious muscle on instagram, he runs a sanctuary in the states and is always hugging turkeys etc Hes great, totally smashing the stereotypes on Vegan men. I do think that things are changing here in Ireland too, slowly but changing for sure.

    Thanks moonunit. I'm starting to make a bit of progress with Steemit (I've left the total newbie stage behind, at least 😉) but I don't have anything close to 500 followers yet! It would be good to learn how I can get a little further with it. I will check out Conscious Muscle. I agree with your point about veganism in men – I come across a lot of guys who say that they couldn't give up animal products because it would impact on their masculinity, somehow (there's nothing more macho than still consuming breastmilk, apparently 🙈). Or they go on about how if they became vegan, the oestrogens in soya would somehow turn them into women ... leaving aside the fact that this really couldn't happen, and in any case, it wouldn't be compulsory for them to eat soya as a vegan, if they are genuinely concerned about that. Plenty of other options exist! So there's a bit of stereotype-smashing to be done yet, but I think the world is getting there, slowly but surely.

    Oh yeah totally. Thing is though, Vegan men have more testosterone than both vegetarian and omni men. I for one find working out and gaining muscle as a vegan is way easier than when I was a corpse muncher! I have a "Viable Vegan Voyage" series here on steemit which I have to do an update post today. Just trying to do up a 500 followers post.. But I keep getting distracted cough cough, LOL.

    If you think I can help out at all with your steemit journey just shout out, I will help in what ever way I can .

    Good luck with your post, I'll keep an eye out for it. 🙂

    I am so so in love with this story, thank you for sharing!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it, Amelia. 😊 I adore Alice!

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