The Documentary RevolutionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #documentaries7 years ago


We are living during extraordinary times where we have more options available to us than ever before and they're so easy to take advantage of they're literally right at our fingertips with a touch of a button. That's right, the computer you're touching right now would have been so advanced as little as a decade ago that very few people on Earth would have had the to privilege to be able to use it. Now that we're in the information age we have more information available to us than kings could have ever imagined in the past. Unfortunately most of us are using this technology for trivial purposes without even being aware of the life-changing, life-saving information that lies dormant in your computer waiting for you to learn how to access it in order to bring out your full potential and get in alignment with your destiny.We all love to watch TV right? Well what could be better than entertaining yourself by watching TV and still be doing one of the most productive things you could possibly be doing? Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not.

Enter The Documentary Revolution!

By simultaneously sitting on your butt watching TV and watching one of the many cutting edge documentaries you could be engaging in one of the most life changing activities possible. Watching a good documentary can be far more productive than working. Now don't go quit your job to stay at home and watch documentaries because we all have to pay bills too (unless, of course, you can pay your bills without working).

Due to recent technological advancements it is easier and cheaper to produce films than ever before. Plus thanks to the internet there are a lot more channels for films to be distributed. Now instead of a few companies having complete control over what movies the masses have access to we all have access to low-budget independent films that we wouldn't have access to otherwise. By the way, many of the best documentaries are full of information that you will never hear in the mainstream media because the people that control TV broadcasting, the media, newspapers, and magazines don't want you to know this stuff. Finally we have more freedom to information than ever before!

In the past you would have had to read a book on controversial subjects most of the time because there wasn't a way to market that type of information through video media. Now you can get the nuts and bolts of the information in a much shorter time period than it takes to read a book and for most people it's much more fun to watch TV than to read a book. This works great too because it helps us pass the message along to others to spread the word and change the world. It's a lot easier to get a cynical friend or relative to watch a documentary than it is to convince them to read a book about a subject they could care less about- even if it can save the world!

The documentary revolution is a big part of what this site and my upcoming book is about. By simply upgrading what you watch you can tremendously upgrade your life. It's as simple as watching this instead of that. And the choice is yours. Luckily we all have freedom of choice but with great power comes great responsibility.

So what are you waiting for? Start watching those amazing documentaries that usher in The Awareness Revolution!

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