It's a Gift

in #docu-blog6 years ago

For anyone that has been their own worst enemy all their life, and had the tenacity to turn that around, so that you now become your greatest advocate and friend, you will surely appreciate this little post.

When you have done the much needed work and as a result , that subtle yet profound shift occurs on the inside that lets you know life will never be the same again, it is finally time to share with the rest of the clan ( human race ).

When you start to expect things to go well, catch yourself having a positive outlook on life, hear the voice in your head complimenting you and doing away with complaining, you "know" something very important has happened.

This is the time to lift each other up in what ever way is uniquely you. If you are nodding your head as you read this then that means you my friend. There are so many brilliant, life enhancing and evolving ideas and projects waiting to be started and followed through, some in material form and some waiting for the right person to be open to receiving the idea and execute the plan. You know what I mean don't you. This can get really interesting.

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