Why your soul has chosen struggles in your life? A short story of a butterfly.

in #do3 years ago (edited)

There was a boy who loved caterpillars. One day he found one and took it home and started taking good care of it.
One day catterpillar started creating cocoon to go through metamorphosis and become a butterfly. Soon a small hole appeared on the cocoon and butterfly started to struggle to come out. This boy noticed butterfly struggling so hard to come out, so he decided to help. He quickly got a pair of scissors and snipped the cocoon to make the hole bigger and the butterfly quickly emerged. But the butterfly had a swollen body and small shirveled wings. It never was able to fly.

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Reason was that the butterfly need to struggle and make muscles of wings strong to help it fly. Hence, it is said struggling is an important part of growth experience. It is through struggle only, we use our full potential and capabilties to become our best version.
If you are struggling in life, remember you are building strong muscles of your wings to fly high in the sky.
Strength and growth only comes through continuous efforts and struggle. Don't give up.

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