DnW Poetry Contest Contest #3 "Love is Time"

in #dnwpoetrycontest7 years ago (edited)


I'm always thinking of you time to time
Loving you as if, It's my last time
And I'm happy that we last for a long time
Even if sometimes you dont have time.

You said you love me very much
Even,promised you will not hurt my heart
And i will always be in your heart
Even, death can never set us apart.

Weeks, Months, Years passed by
And you changed, like time very fast
Even if, your time is a must
But you keep on saying you're busy working so just adjust

I tried to understand your situation
Even if, its not a valid reason
But loving you is not a condition
So, i will just wait for your right decision

@deeday31 @kneelyrac


Ang sakit sinaktan mo ang puso Bb. RUBY AN. hahahaha

Hahhaahaha wrong typo ko neha.. Hehehhehe relate much hahahah awa ako post last time ikaw heheheheh

Wala lagi forever iya'an hahahaha

Hahhaha naa tawn forever manang magsakit lang ka :(

mga pasalig </3 ay! hahaha kidding @ruby06. Nice one!:)

Lage mga pasalig
ngaa dapat di ta magsalig
Kay tingali muligid tah sa kilid kilid


HAHAHAHA nice nice!

Heheheheehe way lingaw :)

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