
in #dmt6 years ago (edited)

Those who’ve ventured into the realms of the psychedelic, know.

(Or at the least, have gotten a glimpse.)

Those who haven’t... well, there’s a timing for everything. (Or not).

What can one say about DMT...? Whatever the answer, nothing that can be said substitutes for the experience, any more than a verbal description of a strawberry can impart upon another the full sensory taste, smell, and feel.

At the very top of my “Watch List” on YouTube, there’s been a “How To DMT video” for months.

Finally, I watched it.

And maybe, part of the reason it’s been sitting there for so long is to wait for this moment - to share with someone else.

Whether you’re a seasoned vet in the world of plant medicines and their chemical counterparts, or have never even heard of DMT before... should you invest the time in watching this video?

I dunno.

Only you have the answer to that. (Most likely spoken in the form of resonance & curiosity, or disinterest).

Either way, here it is, for those who may feel compelled to...

psychedelics affect every single cell within our body for the body - if you are ready for them...

Once your take DMT, it’s all about the synthesis. In essence, you realize the secret that every thing is connected.

If you’re new to the realms of psychedelics... it’s quite a journey.

Something of a rabbit hole, really.

My advice: play it safe and responsibly.

Like any tool, psychedelics can be used constructively or destructively. Thankfully, there has been a remergence of scientific research into the beneficial uses - bringing more light to what’s been known for centuries, demystifying much of the misinformation and stigma regarding drugs that had been generated during the 19th century.

We’re entering new times. And as we progress, we’re likely to see more and more acceptance of psychedelic medicines as powerful catalysts for immense transformation and healing throughout our societies.

Of course, those who’ve already experienced psychedelics for themselves know that. And little more needs saying here. (Although do check out the video if intrigued, as it is pretty decent.)

Though for those who don’t, here is just one more crumb on the breadcrumb trail... ;-)


We need to get the politicians to try some of this stuff, might change their whole approach to humanity and society. Trump definitely needs to try it!

Agreed! 🙌

Haha 😂

DMT takes you to its world
5-meo-dmt takes you within
Both are very useful and have VERY powerful abilities.
If anyone ever wants to try it the MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember is:


Be in a comfortable and safe space around only those you trust. The experience may not last long but the power of it can be easily effected by outside energy.

Relax and enjoy the journey!

Cool stuff!....:)...

Wow i use to see these parterns in my sleep and sometime i become very tormented. I never understood it but i checked it on you tube now and i am amazed. Does that means i am special i dont take DMTs i am just a normal guy. The experience is something and i still see them but is like being in another real.Is there a need for me to see a psychiatric @rok-sivante? I will be researching deeper though. I want to thank you for the massive support you gave me. You became the motivation for me on this life transforming platform when i lost my account.

Does that means i am special

Nope. Just human. Lol.

Is there a need for me to see a psychiatric?

NO! Not at all. The pineal gland’s production of DMT during sleep is perfectly normal and healthy. If anything, you might be interested to learn more about lucid dreaming and how to work consciously within those states... :-)

I have known marijuana since the age of 16 years. I remember mother planting marijuana. Cannabis is used for cooking meat.

I picked, dried and mixed with cigarettes. My mother did not know.

I like marijuana. Marijuana makes me creative, has imagination, and makes me bolder. I am a high school class champion.

Cannabis does not have a bad effect on my mind. Probably not because of excessive.

I stopped smoking marijuana during college. At that time there was already a ban.

Now I am 50 years old, and still productive thinking, and still like to imagine, even without marijuana.

Great friends post @rok-sivante!! I love to peek at every post you

i never heard about DMT before but after searching on google i can catch a bit. if i was right DMT is something like meditation or like Tai Chi in chinese martial art. i don't say this is same but something like that. I think this DMT is good for everyone especially for leader of country. by practicing this dmt we can achieve the meaning of live. something we cannot find in reality. i hope i was right about this DMT.

I'm a little sad to say that my drug-experimenting days are more or less behind me now, and I never got the chance to try any psychedelics, aside from cannabis. Uppers, downers, dissociatives, opiates... everything else I've been and done, but the right circumstances never materialised for me to experience psychs.

Maybe it'll happen one day - when I'm older, and in need of a mental reboot ;) Great post, and a good introduction for those not in the know.

there is still plenty of time left... ;-)

(And you're already in the right frame of mind, acknowledging the important of set and setting).

DMT is a powerful drug that has intense physical and visual effects. The first time I floated out of my body and could feel the sounds around me (a plane flying over and a water sprinkler hitting on a fence). And how could I forget the sacred geometry that surrounded me. Also sometimes right after inhaling it a sensation of not being able to breathe can occur. Like the other people said set and setting is the key. For example one time my whole field of vision broke apart like glass and blew away. All of the the sudden I was in a space like an Alex Grey artwork. You gotta be in a safe place and a good mindset to do DMT.

I heard about DMT first after my college years.
Though it has remained illegal in this part of the world; maybe because of its hallucinating effects; but some people have considered it as one of the major requirements in performing some kind of rituals here.
After all, hallucination is not entirely bad. Just like you indicated here:

Like any tool, psychedelics can be used constructively or destructively.

Nice piece buddy

Rather mind-boggling, how a government can deem itself an authority to declare a substance illegal which the human body itself produces, is in almost every living being, and has been used for thousands of years as a powerfully effective medicine...

Weirdly enough; that's the nature of the government. There are many things they termed illegal that are quite beneficial to health. This was exactly the argument I had with a friend about medicinal marijuana; which has been termed illegal here, while the real deal that should be checked is celebrated.
How ironic

Well, at least some progress is being made. Marijuana should be fully legal here in Canada later this year, and several US states are moving in the same direction. Hopefully the rest of the world will catch up sooner than later, as countries who’ve fully decriminalized all drugs have quite the statistics to show its benefits...

The story is not really so here in Nigeria. The advances to legalize marijuana has been seen to elude Nigeria even with all the propositions made by the populists.
Well, I mean, why would they want to legalize marijuana when it would bring heavy competitions to some government-owned businesses? It's all political.
I hope they will see the light in this someday

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