Recognizing Archetypal Agendas

in #dmhutchins2nd7 years ago (edited)

Every system of philosophy posits some code of conduct, which conduct aims to achieve an ultimate goal, or state, and therein lies the difference between those moral philosophies which one chooses to adopt so as to study and evolve the self, according to ones own aims and goals, and those immoral philosophies forced upon us via indoctrination so as to define and abstract the self, according to the aims and goals of another. As such I would divide all philosophical, religious, cultural, and political systems, in to two distinct categories according to the manner in which they effect the human psyche, which are ‘Natural Law Philosophies’, and ‘Moral Inversion Philosophies’. The term psyche pertains to those latent and often hidden elements of ones consciousness, where archetypes and the energetic influences of the Sacred Masculine (the positive, projective) and Sacred Feminine (the negative, receptive) elements of Gender energies dwell.

Therein lies the potential for those unknown archetypes to direct the thinking and behavior of those in base consciousness (the lower self, ego, unawareness, reactionism), thereby enslaving them to abstraction and external wills, which are able to manipulate those archetypes, as though pulling so many puppet strings, and thereby control the though process, emotions, and behavior, of those uninitiated and unaware. Therein also lies that potential for one to become aware of these archetypes and sacred energies, and through an understanding and balancing of them within, achieve a higher level of consciousness (Self actualization, awareness, Self control) and thereby regain ones own Will through personal dominion, empathy, and resonance with the numen, having relocated themselves from the Plane of Effects to the Plane of Causation. And so it is that ones approach to archetypes, if invoked whatsoever, will either establish their foundation in pursuit of social acceptance and materialistic pursuits, or set them apart from all societal acceptability.

The social and cultural specifics of any given philosophy are not nearly as important as that single question; “Which category does this systems characteristics place it in? Natural Law or Moral Inversion?” Natural Law philosophies by any name will possess the following traits; they are personally chosen, they are personal in nature, they all pertaining to the nature of Being (empathy, numen) and personal evolution, they do not cause suffering, and one may leave at any time without threat of harm or penalty... Moral Inversion philosophies by any name will possess the following traits; they are enforced, they are impersonal and likely dictated by a person or group to whom there is no direct access, they all pertain to some form of outcome-based educational system of indoctrination geared toward producing an abstract identity (muted empathy, numen blind), they all include an assignment of “duty” or “order-following”, and should one attempt to leave they will be faced with threats, harm, imprisonment, or possibly death...

At this moment in humanity there has come a particular reversal of moral notions, the valuation of which having been for some time slandered and morphed, slowly and steadily mutated according to the will of only a few who seek to dominate the many, which is to say, that ongoing dialog between those Elite Occultist and their unwitting subjects in sway of their influence due to being nescient those foremost archetypes and principles of their own natures, and of the nature of the Cosmos itself.

Archetypes - The Exoteric Approach

For the uninitiated masses perhaps, an archetype is an exoteric symbol, an external concept, an idea to be revered and emulated in order to achieve the respect of others who seek similar attention and abstract status. Such respect is gained or and granted, very often via lip service alone, with neither individual qualified to evaluate the verisimilitude of, and neither individual authorized to provide or restrict, said artificial and insincere respect on the merit of obviously hallow notions, in order to appease those obviously nonsensical and self defeating pursuits, only gathering further lip service from those whose opinion are uninformed and without grounding in reality.

Due to this hallow and impersonal, yet devastatingly successful ego glorifying indoctrination, a system of eliminating human dignity and erasing nobility has utterly replaced common sense, honorable conquest, striving for conscious evolution, or personal development outside of social adherence. A primary component of this issue would be those corporations retarding technology and monetizing human passions, fully supporting this backward thinking, having fed the weak and starved the strong and so long ago turned the tables of human evolution, producing these blind masses in such quantity that the spirit of mankind has been fully exorcised, leaving in its place a pale obedient flesh for whom the corporate structure is church, in which they bow to their god, fiat currency.

Archetypes - The Esoteric Approach

For myself, and I would assume other alchemist, Thoth/Hermes are an esoteric archetype, representing a numinous introspective venture, a quest to personally establish ones spiritual standards rather than adopting social abstractions, the manifestation of existence upon the plane of causation rather than simply being bound to the plane of effects, which is above and beyond the respect, understanding, or acceptance of others, and via direct deed and personal experience alone. Thoth/Hermes are antisocial, and yet represent the aim to build more meaningful personal relationships. Thoth/Hermes are anti-religious (opposed to state regulated organized religion), and yet represents the aim to develop deeper empathy, and a heighten numinous capacity. Thoth/Hermes are anti nation-state, and yet aim to build stronger community bonds. Thoth/Hermes are anti-corporate, and yet represent the entrepreneurs creative imagination.

While this may seem hypocritical in the conventional sense, Thoth/Hermes must be understood to represent the personal integrity, the character, and the desire, built upon and derived from ones refusal to accept social indoctrination, corporate submission, or spiritual subordination. Thoth/Hermes represent the manifestation of a gentleman’s demeanor, a soldiers strength and skill, and academic knowledge, without enslaving oneself to, or supporting in any way, those societies, armies, and universities, seeking to monetize and commercializing the Human essence. I'm not attempting to sell my reading audience a religion or philosophy here, so much as I am addressing an undeniable fact pertaining to the human psyche and cosmic nature pertaining to archetypes, which one must fully understand or be enslaved by their own willful ignorance.

Reclaiming the Plane of Causation

An individual will demonstrate their true essence and agenda, no matter their appearance or titles, via their approach to any given archetype, if you the observer can simply assess with proper reasoning. Those who view archetypes exoterically tend to lean towards a materialistic worldview, as they demonstrate by revering external ideas, material possessions, and external deities. Those who regard archetypes as esoteric representations of the components of the human psyche, and the undeniable Principles upon which nature and being are based, demonstrate their spiritual worldviews by revering the proper balance and correspondence between the inward and the outward, the mental and the material, and the relationship between creating and being created, which is to say the nature of genesis.

Obviously the greater part of humanity is currently imbalanced toward the exoteric and thereby enslaved to materialistic archetypal projections (abstractions), utterly unaware of their occulted meanings and therefore unaware of their imbalance. And this being the majority state within the aggregate human psyche, as engineered over time by Elite Occultist, those occultist have therefore dominated the will of humanity and thereby dominated the very plane of Causation itself. Thus they have manifested, using the minds and labor of their willfully ignorant slaves, the current state of the material world in which some few of us now find ourselves awakening to this war upon conscious evolution and the human spirit. This is one of the primary causal factor which have created our current circumstance, and this will remain to be our circumstance until such time as the Plane of Causation is taken back from the Elite, by way of assuming personal and collective responsibility for ourselves, and that responsibility pertains directly to exposing and destroying what is commonly referred to as “The Corporation”, and reclaiming our genuine human essence governed only by moral application of Natural Law, rather than merely existing as brainwashed drones, stereotypical slave employees, or consumers of poison, triviality, and filth. And so I would stress that it is for this reason that its of the utmost importance to be able to assess your social environments moral/ethic, esoteric/exoteric, and Effect bound/Causal agent, states of being and balance.

The esoteric agenda of those who adhere to said morality of Natural Law are not devoid of exoteric implication, for the selfishness of worldly lifestyles have no place within those noble individuals whom of their own accord and standard, their responsible natures, and mutual goals, are often drawn to one another to build communities which embody and sustain Natural Law, in opposition to their children or they themselves being dishonorably enslaved to satanic industrialism. These individuals are distinct from the masses of the indoctrinated and willfully enslaved, who adopt impersonal social standards so as to acquire impersonal community acceptance. Natural Law activist communities award acceptance only to those proven to posses standards of morality and ethics on their own, for we do not open our arms, nor our doors, to those willing to adopt or emulate our cause, we open our arms, and our doors, to those whose cause is in fact our own, within themselves where the true work begins on the plane of Causation. And we seek not trivial, impersonal, relationships, but passionate, life long brotherhood, and family, in defense of whom we are willing to give our very lives, which are otherwise worthless if lived enslaved to the plane of Effects.

Our communities represent the causal manifestation of an active opposition to the satanic establishment, and to the existence of, or participation within, common law and corporate sorcery. Our communities represent the active manifestation of the moral ethics of Natural Law, and the formation of groups whose purpose it is to enforce that standard against the violence of order followers, to war relentlessly, unto death if necessary, with the impersonal common laws and the militant agents of the satanic, occult, pedophile, drug dealing, billionaire criminals of government and corporate organizations, so as to end humanities undignified and ignorance based slavery, to reestablish honor, and to manifest humanities maximum spiritual potentials, Period.

  • D. M. Hutchins 2nd

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