Natural Law and Morality
The validity of morality (based upon Natural Law) lie in it’s consistency, grounded upon the unchanging elements of our relationship with consequence and our empathy with all life. The fallacy of amorality, and those conventions which invert morality, lie in the sheer variety of those conflicting so-called values in the light of mans existing in but one state, regardless of the several paradigms and worldviews leading to those individualist, nationalist, racist, and sexist, abstractions. What I would address here is not the idea that human histories philosophers have failed to produce a proper moral system, but that nearly all human philosophies (religion, culture, government) willfully and deliberately obfuscate humanities natural moral intuition, that is to say our natural inclination towards Natural Law, the Higher Will, or in a single word the 'Numinous'. I would suggest also that the installation of unnatural valuations during ones formative years is the only means of producing willful slaves, a process known commonly as indoctrination, but not so commonly recognized. This is specifically because the Higher Will, once formed, insist upon assuming personal responsibility for itself and its direct relationship to Natural Law consequence, or I might say the navigation of the topography of the Plane of Causation, rather than submitting oneself to an external will, becoming thereby isolated upon the Plane of Effects. For this reason, I would explore the primary tactics used against humanity, which are leading you away from Natural Law, and into subjectivity to what has come to be known as common law legalities and corporate economics, the current god(s) of this world, neither of which actually exist outside of ones own mind-space.
In order to destroy humanities natural inclination towards natural and numinous moral valuations, an establishment of Elite Occultist have instituted several social and monetary conventions, all of which have been enforced by police and military brutality, creating a situation in which everyone must believe (or at least do) as their system commands, or risk being beaten, imprisoned, or put to death. Over time, having murdered most of those who possessed the gumption resisted them, and having indoctrinated and psychologically reprogrammed the nature of those who were unable to resist them, the Elite Occultist agenda of mass scale eugenics has had the overall effect of, slowly but surly, dumbing down and weakening the aggregate consciousness of humanity, who have now mostly forgotten their origins, and therefore have no sense of where they are, or where they are headed.
This incremental retardation of humanity has caused the masses to believe in, and act in accordance with, those fabricated and unnatural social and monetary abstractions, and to participate in moral relativism such that personal independence, family preservation, and even freedom itself, have become pushed aside, and even mocked as being fantasies only worthy of film and books, or passing concepts never to be taken too seriously. And so it is not terribly surprising that most modern humans can tell you much more about their beloved books and television series than they could possibly explain the nature of reality, or the causal factors having produced the circumstances of their willful ignorance, which they obviously aren't aware of in the slightest degree. Human culture, which culture disregards all notions of dignity, nobility, honor, objective morality, and the numinous, unknowingly sings the praises of the Elite Occultists devastatingly successful campaign to enslave the Earth via replacing gnosis with the worship of self (ego) and base 'entertainment'. Furthermore, human populations are now so thoroughly brainwashed that they not only believe that “Social Darwinism” is humanities natural state, but have also become so enamored by and subject to media induced mind control, that they vehemently reject any mention of the Elite Occultist having manipulated them or distorted their nature to begin with. Through sorcery and eugenics these satanic Elite Occultist have forced humanity into dialectically driven cycles of trauma, victim, abuse, which very nearly prevents the possibility of achieving personal dominion or the activation of the Higher Will.
Once the Higher Will has been eradicated, and once empathy has been severely stunted, one begins to believe, or will have believed from the age of reason, in utterly nonsensical notions such that it is justifiable to harm or encroach upon another, because they have harmed or encroached upon themselves, or because they have been lead to believe that it is necessary to dominate and subdue others in order to advance and progress themselves within said artificial social conventions, for example education, employment, or political incorporation. While there are exceptions, the majority of people who have been abused will tend to abuse others. Those who have been subjected to belief systems will tend to subject others to belief systems. Those who have been programmed to associate their own self worth with possessions, trivialities, and superficiality, tend to teach others to conduct similar valuations of and for themselves. From generation to generation families pass these ridiculous religions, philosophies, and politics, to their children, reinforcing them with the idea that other religions, philosophies, politics, and other nations, are encroaching upon their values, while all of these abstractions have actually been contrived by the Elite Occultist in order to divide and conquer these nations through worldview poisoning and controlled opposition, which is the exact desired effect the Elite Occult sought and seeks. Thus the masses remain in base consciousness, relentlessly attempting to climb the ladders of corporate psychopathy while pretending each rung is somehow an accomplishment, blindly and obediently willing to stupidly give their lives to defend outrageous abstractions and yet regard themselves as a hero, ever fighting for patriotic ideals rather than the actual land on which they stand or the people they would call their own, fighting for the names of papers and books rather than the freedom or spirituality they pretend to represent, fighting for educational status rather than knowledge itself, and fighting to collect currencies rather than seeking to possess genuine wealth of any kind.
And so the obvious question can only be, how do we break the ‘trauma, victim, abuse’ cycle, by which the majority of humanity are herded into controlled opposition situations which further hypnotize and enslave them? First of all it must be expressed to those who are enslaved that slavery is not overcome by trading in the shackles for the whip. Psychopathy is not overcome by being promoted up the chain of influential psychopaths. Psychopathy itself must be addressed and terminated within ones self, not accepted, not passed on, and not accepted in others, but destroyed utterly. The totality of each of the Elite Occultist fabricated dialectical paradigms must be overcome and destroyed in order that personal dominion can be achieved by everyone capable of doing so, in order that Natural Law can be restored and reasoned where possible, and otherwise removed by force. One has no more need to govern others than one has need to be governed by others. The honorable and valid, indeed the moral and numinous, position is to exist in harmony with and as an extension of Natural Law, empathetic to all life and energies, neither intruding upon another, nor permitting another to intrude upon oneself. Those who would embrace moral relativism, who would do anything at all to ascend the social, economic, and political status abstractions, are as much the enemies of Natural Law as the Elite Occultist themselves, and are in fact their enablers. And so it is that many of those who would claim to fight the establishment, are themselves the establishment, defined thus by their obvious methods and evident desires. The consequences of violating Natural Law, and the rewards of operating according to Natural Law, are eternal, consistent, and all encompassing. You are either an agent of Natural Law, or the enemy of it.
- D. M. Hutchins 2nd
Thanks for the great post Brother. Amazing summation of the current state of reality - in as much of a nutshell as it could be put in.
I look forward to more of your posts!