
you are a brave man in your country

I am a Brave Man Anywhere @funbobby51 ! But then I doubt a<nybody even sees my posts so really does it matter what I say ?? If they were trending and being shared elsewhere maybe it would be different ! But right now I dont give a damn as frankly this Islam BS has gone far enough as far as I am concerned ! I think these people have behaved terribly and now I feel no remorse or guilt in casting my opinion to their awful beliefs and way of living ! The true God wanted men to be much more than Muslims, its actually for me an ignorant and failed system of life, backward and to be ignored at worst and removed at best !

If it worked they would not have come to Europe in the first place.

well yes @funbobby51 precisely my point ! So indeed what we see now is their failing system of life taking hold in the West supported by the government financially with our taxes ! Its just a huge socialistic welfare system in the making where people whill count on the government for everything so making them docile and accepting of any level of control imposed, ie the RFID chip and Martial Law !!!!! So why I choose to fight now befopre we get to this point !

That's very noble, I would flee to America if I was you.

I have ideas on where I might go when the things that I see happening start truly materialising, but sadly I will give no clue of that here @funbobby51 ) America is an amazing country which I have visisted when I was younger and is a place which needs to be defended in the coming world of totalitarian control on steroids !

When white women start covering their heads there, run.

Oh that cant be far away @funbobby51, I live in a part of the world where people are dumber than dumb and are cowards ! Nobody ever taught anybody to believe in their rights and how to defend them, just little worms in clothing watching football on TV wearing the stupid shirt of their favourite team !

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